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What is "Controller Mode"?


There are different modes that DMC uses.


For example:


On the DMC Ground Control Pro: there is a mode that allows 8 of the 12 active buttons for CC's and 4 for presets (besides the up/down buttons)


Or the other mode does 10 buttons for presets only.




For the Ground Control 2.0: you can do both of those type of modes, but for the 10 buttons. Also, you can use "direct mode" which is like a tv-remote where if you typed "1, 2, 3" it'd go to preset 123

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Nobody's ever given it a test to know for sure. Fender won't claim that it will work with everything.


I'm leary about using one of those since DigiTech's equivelent won't work. They made it proprietary to their brand of equipment.


While it does use a "Midi"-Connector, the Midi-Messages have to be in a specific format to be proporly recognized by your equipment. If the format is even slightly different, it may be worthless.


There is a chance that it will work or at least partially-work with your stuff, but it's a bit of a risk, unless you can buy one new and take it back if it doesn't work.

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