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Anyone still using a Korg A3/A2

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I've been looking for a low cost floor unit for rehearsals and small gigs so I don't have to take both A3 rack, Mk III combo and extension box out everywhere I go.


I use a ADA midi controller to run the A3, and a Axess Electronics channel switcher for my boogie MkIII so I'm pretty happy with this setup except for the set up time and extra lugging.


I borrowed a Digitech RP200A from a student and despite all the modelling nonsense the A3 still holds its own in every department despite being well over 10 years old.


Anyone else still using theirs? And how does it compare with the medium priced floor units eg Magic stomp, Me50, RP200 etc?


If I do replace/supplement my A3 would I be best to bite the bullet and go for a GT8 or a used GT6?



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Originally posted by Terri

I still maintain it's one of the best FX processors in existence! I have an A1, A2 and A3. In addition, I hate U2's guitar sound as well as Radiohead. Too trite. (Oh God, here comes the flames...better put on the flame suit)


I agree, but I think I'm a little subjective and haven't had the chance to A/B it with more current units. I've found that some of the "Tube" overdrive sounds compare well with my Tubescreamer, and some of the Marshall stack sounds seem quite useful; certainly no worse than the amp models in Digitechs RP 200a.


I love the sound of my boogie distortions but it's nice to get away from that sound sometimes.


If we leave Harmoniser and Octaver functions out of the comparison how does it stand up against the GT 6 OR GT 8?


Three paragraphs :D

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Don't know about the GT series since I haven't compared them so I can't say. As far as 3 paragraphs...who gives a s---! If they don't like it, then they don't have to read it. It's your thread anyway! If you want to write a book, go ahead, they don't own the rights to this BBS.


Besides, how can you articulate an indepth and cohesive thought or question in brevity? Sorry, some things require verbage! Dibble is not permitted though. Cheers.:cool:


PS: Those that know me, know that I have written quite extensively in the past and all you have to do is pull my replies...not restricted to the paragraph restriction rule! BLAH~:rolleyes:

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