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mesa studio preamp problem

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I recently got one of these rack units and am using it in a metal core band.I use a tech 21 sansamp dist pedal and i have the mesa on its rythm channle.I noticed that when i have the volume and master at around 12 oclock the tone is very good however this is not loud enough for band practice, i have a fairly {censored}ty power amp, a rocktron velocity 100 and i have this maxed out.When i increase the volumes on the mesa the tone starts to get harsh and sloppy and this is the sme for the pedal, i also have a marshall 2x12 cab with v30s. I also have the eq on the mesa.

If anyone has any tips they would be welcomed.

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They are both 6L6s. One went for $150 recently on Ebay. I've recently got a classic 60/60 to replace a classic 50/50 which is eight EL84s. More powerful lowend from the 6L6s which I like.

I should be getting my Mesa Studio pre in a few days.


I just realised you are from Ireland. Could be harder to find there.



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I've never used a mesa 50/50 but I'm sure they are very good. But don't disregard Peavey, if you find one for about $150. I recently discovered how nice Peavey tube products are.

I got my Studio Preamp yesterday and the lowend IS flabby compared to my other preamps. I had the bass turned all the way down to get a usable tone out of two EL84s and a open back cab. Today I'll try a Peavey 6L6 amp into my 2x12 closed back.

I'm guessing the tubes are original but I got it with the intention of reselling so I won't be experimenting. The clean sounds are very nice though.




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The Studio Pre thru a Peavey Classis 60/60 into a 2x12 closed back Tone Tubby cab sounds huge! I think the EL84s in the were distorting along with the inferior Celestion seventy/80 making the sound flabby.

This is a fantastic preamp. I read up on the manual also.

Brian321, definately upgrade your amp. Do you really need the distortion pedal? I was able to achieve killer clean/distortion tones even with the shared EQ.



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On another forum John Suhr (Suhr guitars and CAE amps) commented on how he was pleasantly surprised about the Peavey Classic 120/120 during a tube amp shootout.

I don't play metalcore stuff so I shouldn't comment about needing a distortion pedal or not. There's enough on tap for me but maybe not enough for metal.

As far as settings, I read up on the helpful manual about certain knobs interacting with both channels, then tried some of their suggestions and tweaked from there.

I actually just got another one at even a greater price but I still like my Peavey Rock Master, if I had to choose between the two.



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Brian 321,


Funny thing happened i went on ebay and searched peavey power amps, i found one and guess who was selling it....tats dragon interesting indeed


I hope you are not insinuating that I'm recommending an amp that I am selling. I NEVER recommended this amp to you. Please do your research. Re-read the second post in this thread.

I'm selling my 50/50 which use EL84s. Classic 60, Classic 60/60, classic 120, and the Classic 120/120 are all 6L6 amps. More headroom less mid rangy and more lowend to my ears.



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Studio preamp EQ was quite strange for me until I got that it is pre-gain EQ, and that graphic EQ is post gain. :)

Although I am not sure what is idea behind bass eq that can be only tweaked between 0 and 2 because anything above two and sound becomes weird. It works totally different that any amp EQ I have tried before that. It is balanced when treble is very high at 8/9 and bass is very low. Also to me there is not much use in getting gain above 5-6.

But it is great preamp for sure, maybe not for modern metal, but it is best lead tone I have ever heard. Power amps are hard to get here, so I have tried it only with amp but it has great, singing lead tone!

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