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My Rack is done (for the moment...)

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Well the Rack is done. See my signature for the details. Thanks so much to dan and Zach for the assistance/advice. I still have a few more presets to program for the next gig but I shoudl be good soon!




Very nice and quite a versatile rig you have there. I'm kinda jealous...the Egnater M4 has been tempting me as of late. :D


Have you tried the Egnater modules in your RM4 before?

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I have not had a chance to try the Eggies. I would love to get my hands on a few for comparison! I'm thinking sometime in the not so distant future I may go dual RM4s to run two modules at once. I just have to lock things down with the rig as-is first.

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I love the Gforce so far. I was originally having some issues but the previous owner had the ground control programmed a bit funky for what I was trying to do. re initialized everything and now I'm flying with the programming. The effects are so pristine! I'm actually finding that my parametric eq was making up for the slight tone suckage I was getting from the POD XTL. Not that it was drastic, mind you, but there must've been a bit because the rig sounds so clean now! Reverbs are incredible and for the first time since i had my Boss dimension C I am kind of grooving on some chorus and distortion combinations again!


One question... Does anyone know if you can program a lead boost to one of the ground control (old version) buttons?

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Well the Rack is done. See my signature for the details. Thanks so much to dan and Zach for the assistance/advice. I still have a few more presets to program for the next gig but I shoudl be good soon!



Alright!!! Congrats... I see you DID end up getting the G-Force. I assume it's treating you well. Is it what you'd hoped for? :idea::thu:


You're welcome, anytime. :thu:

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The gforce is what I was hoping for Zach. Great effects quality. After I got some kinks ironed out in the first day or so of set up everything is working great. I had to knock out the original owners setup for getting it to function as I wanted it to. I'm still messing around with parallel/series configs. (I can't decide which way I like it most) but so far I'm knocked out by how much it can do.

The thing I'm working on now is lead boost programming. I'm thinking assigning the parametric eq with a bit of a mid bump would do the trick. Would the distortion function with the gain set lower work as well?

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The gforce is what I was hoping for Zach. Great effects quality. After I got some kinks ironed out in the first day or so of set up everything is working great. I had to knock out the original owners setup for getting it to function as I wanted it to. I'm still messing around with parallel/series configs. (I can't decide which way I like it most) but so far I'm knocked out by how much it can do.

The thing I'm working on now is lead boost programming. I'm thinking assigning the parametric eq with a bit of a mid bump would do the trick. Would the distortion function with the gain set lower work as well?


I think, by default the G-Force has it Global output parameter set to -6dB or -3dB. If so, you could program an expression pedal for a CC message to make that go up to 0dB, so when you come up to your solo, you can just have it act as a volume pedal. :thu:

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Hi Zach,

I was considering the expression pedal method. But I would love to get it set up as a patch button on the GC so I could keep the expression pedals open for other functions. I'm still digging around. I assume that it's possible and I am just overlooking the obvious. That's been my case so far with this set up. I assume something is going to be less intuitive than it is and cause myself headaches for a while... :)

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Hi Zach,

I was considering the expression pedal method. But I would love to get it set up as a patch button on the GC so I could keep the expression pedals open for other functions. I'm still digging around. I assume that it's possible and I am just overlooking the obvious. That's been my case so far with this set up. I assume something is going to be less intuitive than it is and cause myself headaches for a while...


Then ya, just make a patch or two (or however many) that the output level is 0dB, and switch to that for solos etc... usually only a few are required for solo tones, but you can do as many as your heart desires (pretty much)... Just gotta remember which patches they are, OR write them (preset #'s) down on your set list. :thu:


Rock on bro...

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