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rack so far

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hi guys , heres a pic , of my rack so far , i'm struggling a bit with trying to get a decent sound , i know its old gear but its all i can afford at the minute , what else would you suggest i do / add to what i already have , (please don't say add it to the bin haha )

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There's plenty of love around here for the Digitech so I doubt that is the weak link in the chain.


The Starfield I have no knowledge of but I should imagine as a valve preamp it's unlikely to be inherently bad even if it's not great, can't say to be honest.


The Studiomaster is a PA amp rather than a dedicated guitar power amp and thus is voiced differently and this is likely to be problem most of all. Changing that would probably give the Digitech and Starfield a better chance.


Good luck with it. :thu:

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Yep that Studiomaster is a solid state amplifier right? Try your pres through a good tube power amp and see if that makes a difference.


And I hate to sound like a broken record, but if you ever decide you want to sell the Starfield pre please let me know. I have a bit of a soft spot in my heart for Starfield gear.

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try running your sound without the starfield as the digitech is both a preamp and effects. give it a shot and see what you think. i run an upgraded 2112 basically a 2120 and i dont use a preamp with it.


i also changed the tubes and and it didnt impact my sound very much.


good luck

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i know the power amp is crap , but i've just been thinking (dangerous for me) if i got a decent guitar power amp , what would happen if i then was to DI through the pa , because i would then be using p.a poweramps again would'nt i ?

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try running your sound without the starfield as the digitech is both a preamp and effects. give it a shot and see what you think. i run an upgraded 2112 basically a 2120 and i dont use a preamp with it.

i also changed the tubes and and it didnt impact my sound very much.

good luck



Make sure that you are either using the Starfield preamp with the Digitech's effects (internal preamp bypassed, easily done by plugging into the effects RETURN of the Digitech), or skip the Starfield and use the Digitech's preamp.


You want to avoid running both preamps in a series signal chain. It'll make it difficult to get good clean sounds... and good distortion sounds... It's just plain difficult to get a good sound like that.

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i'm going to by the behringer fcb1010 midi floorboard so i can hopefully change a patch on the digitech while at the same time changing the channel on the starfield , but will this floorboard work with rpedit , which is what i use to programme the digitech rather than the front panel.

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Just plug a MIDI cable from the FCB 'out' to the Digi 'in'. As long as both units are set on same MIDI channel, the FCB should immediately change the patches on the Digi.

If you want delay control, for instance, you need to engage the delay on the Digi first, then you can control a certain parameter such as delay repeats, time, level etc. by assigning that to one of the expression pedals on the FCB.


All this will make more sense once you take delivery of the MIDI controller.


What kind of footswitch is needed to change channels on the Starfield?





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its just a 1'4 jack (latching i think , or non latching i get mixed up) it has 4 jacks on the back where you csn plug in individual switch pedals to change , from distorted to clean , crunch , and scream , it also has 2 effects loops on the back , and was wondering if these coulod be bridged somehow , because if i plug the digitech into the first effects loop it i only have effects on the distorted channel , and if i plug it into the second effects loop it only has effects on the clean channel , seems crazy to me,

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