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Is It Me Or Is It The Equipment

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I've noticed the last 4 setups, I've assist, in getting a better

sound for other soundmen, I find myself reducing only the

ultra low, and, ultra highs on the eq. (20 - 31.5Hz & 20Khz)


It seems like the crossover tweaking is all I need to get

the sound the user is looking for, and, the Eq is basically



Has the gear improved, or, my ears are finally trained to

get the proper sound with analog crossover settings,

and, very minimum eqing.


My processing gear is 20+ years old, and, curious if these

new gadgets improved that much in the sound quality



I'm wondering if all those months of Parametric learning

played a factor?

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You can do a lot with just the crossover - I kind of miss the days when I only had my own voice and a 58 as my "RTA", and I'd always start with flat EQ and tweak the crossover first.


I think in general the various components are designed to be fairly flat in their operating range. Graphic EQ is used more for tuning to the room than correcting speaker response.

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