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chaining effects into one aux send

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I am wondering if it is possible to chain 3 effects together and run them through one aux send/return on the mixer? The mixer I am using is a Behringer UB1204FX-Pro.


It seems that I can send the aux to either the main outs or the subouts on the mixer (I haven't tried it yet as the mixer is sitting under my bed). The whole point of the question is that when I perform live, I want to send the vocals with effects to the FOH speaker, but send dry vocals to the monitors so I don't get feedback.

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Originally posted by kn364

The whole point of the question is that when I perform live, I want to send the vocals with effects to the FOH speaker, but send dry vocals to the monitors so I don't get feedback.



Do you have a "Pre" Aux that you can send to the monitor? That's what they're for.

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I reread my last post, and I think I mistyped. So...lemme correct myself and give the full connection setup to see it people think thats correct.


Scenario 1:

I chain my three FXs into the post aux. I have my mic connected to one of the channels and my MD player (which provides my backing tracks) in a stereo channel.


I connect the main outs of the mixer into one of the stereo channels of the FOH mixer and the pre-aux send into another channel of the FOH mixer (for monitor purposes) and the effected vocals out of the submix into another channel.


So...I am sending three signals into the FOH mixer. Stereo backing tracks gets routed into the monitors and FOH speakers, the pre-aux vocals just get sent to the monitors, and the effected vocals get sent to the FOH speakers, but not the monitors.


Can that work? Or is there an easier way to do and would there be a way I can do that setup with having a sub-outputs?


The mixer that most likely will be used as the FOH mixer is the Behringer UB1222fx-pro (I'd like to buy better, but unforunately, the music club at my school is running on a tight budget).

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