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Yamaha MG16/4 or Peavey RQ2310 ?

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I just received a check for some equipment I put on consignment about a year ago, and now a decent mixer is a possibility. :D


I'm a guitarist who sings and I don't really know much about mixers and PA stuff other than the fact that I want the vocals LOUD. Mic'ing the other instruments is secondary right now.


I have a QSC RMX1450, an SM58, an SM57 and a pair of older Peavey 115 International Series III PA cabs (3 - ways) that are rated at 200 watts continuous and 400 program. Each of these cabs will soon be receiving a new 15" Black Widow replacement basket (one currently has a torn cone and I figgure I might as well replace the other while I have my credit card out.)


This system will be used for rehearsals as well as small shows (bars and stuff ... 100 people max)


Which of these mixers should I go for ... or is there something else below the $350 mark you would suggest?



Thanks fellas

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I've been asking the same question Gravity. Without much personal experience, I can tell you the advice that was given to me.


In your price range the best bang for your buck are going to be the soundcraft spirit series, the Peavey RQ series, and if you can afford an allen and heath.


After a month of research I recently bought a perfect condition Soundcraft Spirit E12 for $310 on eBay.


Good Luck!

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