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Differences between analog and digital power amps?

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I have a project for school where I have to research and give a report on 3 different analog power amps and 2 digital ones. The thing I'm not sure about is what makes an amp digital or analog? Is the difference simply between tube and solid state technology?


Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

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Guest Anonymous


Originally posted by chino_151

I have a project for school where I have to research and give a report on 3 different analog power amps and 2 digital ones.


Interesting assignment.


I have a few questions:


1) Is this a required project or an elective project?

A) What's the field of study?

B) Is this a common assignment for this class (assigned to the class in a previous semester... previously filed examples of reports available for review?)


2) What are the makes and models of amps?

A) Were the makes and models selected by the instructor, or:

B) Were the makes and models drawn out of a hat, or:

C) Are the makes and models your choice?


3) Does the report have a thesis/ are conclusions to be drawn, or is this strictly fact finding?

A) What is the framework for the thesis/ conclusions, or:

B) How in-depth should the fact finding be? Are samples of the amps in question available for review and study? Is testing equipment and qualified over-site available?


4) Where did the terms "analog" and "digital" come from to describe the two different types of amps? Did the instructor lay this on you or are the terms your own choosing?


5) When's the report due? What percentage of the grade is this project? Any rough idea of the scope of the body of work expected (5 pages or 50 pages?)


This could be good and I'd look forward to reading the report regardless of the scope of the project.

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Alright let me try to sum it all up.


The school I'm going to is called Mediatech(Dallas Sound Lab) and the class I'm taking now is called Live Sound Reinforcement.


The assignment I got was to find three different analog power amps and two digital ones, no specific models were chosen, its all up to me, and basically just do a brief rundown of whichever brands/models I find. Its not a real in-depth report (although knowing as much as I can about it wont hurt;) ).


The terms analog and digital are from the Instuctor. I'm not sure if those are proper terms or if hes just "dummying" it up for us since we just started the class.


I'm not sure about how the grading goes for this or if there is one at all. I just have to give an oral presentation type thing. Not too complicated or anything. Its due on Monday.


I think that about covers it. I really appreciate your help because I cant seem to find the info that I'm looking for anywhere. Thanks again :)

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Guest Anonymous

Originally posted by chino_151

Alright let me try to sum it all up.

The school I'm going to is called Mediatech(Dallas Sound Lab) and the class I'm taking now is called Live Sound Reinforcement.

The assignment I got was to find three different analog power amps and two digital ones, no specific models were chosen, its all up to me, and basically just do a brief rundown of whichever brands/models I find. Its not a real in-depth report (although knowing as much as I can about it wont hurt;) ).

The terms analog and digital are from the Instuctor. I'm not sure if those are proper terms or if hes just "dummying" it up for us since we just started the class.

I'm not sure about how the grading goes for this or if there is one at all. I just have to give an oral presentation type thing. Not too complicated or anything. Its due on Monday.

I think that about covers it. I really appreciate your help because I cant seem to find the info that I'm looking for anywhere. Thanks again

Three "analog" power amps:


1) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5790931698&category=73371&rd=1


2) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7337309760&category=23787&ssPageName=WDVW&rd=1


3) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7336932783&category=23787&ssPageName=WDVW&rd=1


Two "digital" power amps:


1) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7338754501&category=38076&ssPageName=WDVW&rd=1


2) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7337023128&category=64451&ssPageName=WDVW&rd=1



Originally posted by chino_151

The terms analog and digital are from the Instuctor. I'm not sure if those are proper terms or if hes just "dummying" it up for us since we just started the class.

I propose that your report also include a notation that classing amplifiers as "analog" or "digital" could be considered street slang, and offer a dissertation on the 4 major amplifier classifications that Andy enumerated.


Originally posted by chino_151

I'm not sure about how the grading goes for this or if there is one at all. I just have to give an oral presentation type thing. Not too complicated or anything. Its due on Monday.

oh. Monday huh? Might or might not be graded? Vague/ poorly defined topic covering an extremely broad subject matter. Humm... my knee-jerk reaction is: "A job possibly not worth doing at-all isn't worth doing well."


I'd crack a beer, get some friends together and order a pile of pizzas... play video games all night and blow off the assignment until later tomorrow afternoon... then I'd dress-up the few facts you currently have in-hand, add a title page, a table of contents, a few color pictures, print off some manufacture's spec sheets, a reference page at the end, put it in a clear plastic binder (blue's a nice color) and call it "done and done". Then someday, if you want to get into this, you can get into it deep... but a weekend... shoot... that won't even knock the first chip off the top of the iceberg.


And... what do they call the doctor that graduated at the bottom of his class? Answer: Doctor!


Need any tips on dating?:D


On a serious note, I think you've got your report in the bag... I'd suggest going about the presentation like this:


1) Explain the street slang of "Analog" and "Digital" relating to amps.


2) Explain the 4 common classes of amps Andy laid out. Also, maybe give a breif overview of: Tube, transistor, linear v.s. switching power supply, and finally digital.


3) Give the examples of the 3 identified "Analog amps" (possibly describing the type and class of each) and give the examples of the 2 identified "Digital amps".

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