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How to get the best sound in room w/16' ceilings

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Originally posted by Steve_B

Seriously why do you attribute the problems to the room height?




Sorry...forgot to mention the brick walls and copper-tiled ceiling. The natural verb/echo is just turning everything to mud. As the night goes on I tweak and tweak...it seems to get better but I'm afraid that might be attributable to my ears acclimating to the sound.

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I played a room like this a few times and it was just aweful. In a previous band, we had a drummer with electronic drums and that made it much easier.... but still not good. In our current band, we have a very large, hard-hitting drummer who had to play with quiet sticks the whole night to keep the volume down. The natural reverb of the room turned the mix to mush. We decided it was not worth the headaches for us to play there again.

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We played a room like that this past Saturday night. Private party for about 50 or so guests. They had rented this building for the party. When we got there, it had concrete block walls on the inside, a concrete slab floor, and a sheetrock ceiling. We played the first set, and then sat down and listened to ourselves echo around for the next 15 mins. It was horrible.


We played as quietly as we could, but by then end of the night (3 hours), all of us had headaches, and we're definitely not a loud band. I usually have to ask our guitar player to turn UP! The guitar player had ridden with me and my wife to the gig. We rode the whole way home in silence just for the peace and quiet!


We vowed to never play in that room again, at ANY price!

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