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How good are the EV Eliminator i Subs?

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I've got a guy locally that wants to sell me a pair for $300. Assuming they work fully, is this a good price for them? Would they go well with a pair of Peavey SP-5s (which I plan to purchase later), or do they go better with their matching Eliminator i cabs?

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They're not bad. Kinda big for what they put out, but if that's $300 for the pair, it's a steal. Make sure they have original drivers in good shape. It's a bandpass box, and has definite output and power limits. They don't handle a lot more than 400w, so don't be tempted to try to get more output by pouring on the power. And there's the rub; if the previous owner did this, you may inherit a pair of damaged drivers on their way out. Be careful, very careful


Other than possibly being too narrow to "look" right stacked, the Eliminators should work fine with SP-5's. They have a peak below 80Hz, which may or may not sound good to you (not my favorite at all) so it's a good idea to try them out for yourself if possible.

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