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Anybody have used a Mackie SRM150 yet?

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I have a small gig coming up. Not even a gig - a shindig with a jam. I don't wanna drag a full PA to this. I'd rather spend $300 and buy a 8 lb. SRM150. So... anybody used it yet? Is it loud enough to compete with unmiked drums and a grand piano? Do the vocals sound clear through it? Does it compare in sound quality (not loudness) to other SRM speakers? Thanks.

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I was able to play around with the SRM150 at NAMM. It sounding good considering it is a 5.25" driver. You will need to roll off some of the low end on the 3 band eq. The small driver tends to muffle at high volume. But for acoustic/clean electric and vocals it will be enough, as long as the drummer doesnt overdue it. Well worth the money

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