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I am trying to record a stand up bar-style piano and I don't know how to mic it. I have a couple of pencil-style condenser mics that I normally use for drum overheads. I also have a handful of those cheap Behringer dynamic mics. I know these aren't the best mics to use, but they're all I've got. This recording is just going to be for a demo, anyway. Which mic(s) should I use and how should I position them?

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Try placing them aiming toward the back side of the piano, which is the underside of the soundboard.


Another position would be, removing the front panel (that the player faces) and micing either side of the player.


I've seen both done successfully, however the first is more common.

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Thanks. I'll try those methods and see how it turns out. It's a really good sounding piano, especially for an upright. And like I said, this is just for a demo so hopefully my sub-par microphones will be adequate. I'll let you know how it works out!

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