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Carvin LM15 Speaker Cabinets - Are they SWEET!

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I was a bit slow sniffing out the fanboy, since I should've recognized the classic Carvin multi-pole humbucker on his Avatar.

He can now return to his Carvin GearPorn Mag. Sure enough, the LM15 is the centerfold this month. I'll admit to succumbing to their catalog when I was 15, too. One of my friends had a double cutaway DC 200 with gold plating and curly maple top. Damn she was hot, the axe that is.



All he's trying to do is say he likes the speakers. I'm not a big Carvin fan, but you're coming off as quite the d*****baq here. You made your point. You like Peavey's better. That isn't really relevant to the thread.

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My experience with Carvin is that it is mostly crap. I did fall in love with them in the early to mid 70's because of their catalog. I REALLY wanted the Super Concert System in 1977. I've bought a bunch of gear from them over the years (amps, basses, in ears, mixers, etc..). The ONLY thing I bought that I liked and worked properly was a DC1000 power amp. EVERYTHING else was trash. I was looking forward to that guitar so much and then it showed up with the worse excuse for strings I've ever heard and the truss nut was broken off. When I called about they said I broke it off and they would not cover mistakes by people that don't know how to adjust a neck. At that time I've already been performing for over 15 years and had been a member of AFM Local 10-208 for 10 years. I never even touched the truss rod. They refused to fix it. Carvin is Crap. Period. I wouldn't use anything they make if they paid me to do it. Sorry fanboy....

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All he's trying to do is say he likes the speakers. I'm not a big Carvin fan, but you're coming off as quite the d*****baq here. You made your point. You like Peavey's better. That isn't really relevant to the thread.


No, that's not all he's saying. If he only stuck to saying that he liked the LM15s then I wouldn't have posted any response. But if he's going to slam Peavey's because he's a Carvin fanboy, then he better damn well expect to be challenged. I didn't say I liked the Peavey's better. I haven't compared them. I haven't made any claims about how the LM15 sounds. That's the difference. I also don't think the PR15s are anywhere near the best 2 way 15" cabs available. They're a good value, not the best. If someone wants to compare them in a fair manner, that's fine by me. But comparing $600 powered vs. $200 unpowered models of different brands isn't fair by any stretch.

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Now that I think about it, I agree with you GCDEF. I don't think that Smitty-PNS was primarily intending to slam the Peaveys. He was pleased with his LM15s and I won't begrudge him that just because of Carvin's problems. I really do want to hear the Carvins myself, so I'm going to drop it at this point. I apologize for taking it too far defending the PR15s.

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