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Any experience with KX Audio??

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As I am in search of a PA to replace mine lost in a house fire, my local sound pro dealer (mainly QSC, Yorkville, JBL) sprung on me a full range speaker/sub set that I had never run across before. He says this stuff "stomps the ever living crap out of any of the QSC and Yorkville products" and he has more than $150,000 worth of it's bigger sibling, KV2 Audio, stuff in his production inventory and highly recommends it.


Anyone of you pros familiar with the KSAudio or KV2Audio stuff? He is offering a pretty good deal on 2 KS12 and a KS1.2 sub. Wondering if I should seriously look at this stuff. He (of course) has none of this new KS stuff in stock.


What do ya think?



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Did you possibly mix up the initials?


KV2 produces three model lines.


EX - ES - KX


The EX series are active cabinets


The ES series are passive cabinets that use a propriatary amplification system.


The KX series are their "budget" offering of active cabinets.


Both the EX and ES speakers are serious cabinets offering high fidelity, extreme resolution and impressive output. Personally, I've never heard the KX's so I can't offer a comment.


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Did you possibly mix up the initials?

KV2 produces three model lines.

EX - ES - KX

The EX series are active cabinets

The ES series are passive cabinets that use a propriatary amplification system.

The KX series are their "budget" offering of active cabinets.

Both the EX and ES speakers are serious cabinets offering high fidelity, extreme resolution and impressive output. Personally, I've never heard the KX's so I can't offer a comment.


Bill, thanks for the clarification. I do mean the KX series of the KV2 products. Would really like to hear what folks using them have to say. Looks like that is about a scarce as hen's teeth :cry: Ah well.

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I've heard the KX series last year on the Frankfurt show. On the KV2 booth. It was pretty nice. I think you will definately be happy with it. Good tone.


A friend of mine is the Danish importer of KV2 Audio. He told me that the kv2 stuff is specialized components from top to bottom. The drivers are made by 18 sound, but they are custom made to kv2 audio. The KV2 stuff is designed and manufactured in czech republic. I've heard some stories about the guy who engineers everything. He makes the products the way he wants them to behave and sound. And then they figure out what they can manufacture them for and how much the end price should be. That's a philosophy I like.


As far as I know the KX series are produced in China with of the shelf drivers. That's what make them somewhat cheaper. But they are still built according the KV2 audio philosofy. Don't know if the x-overs are off the shelf too though.

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