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Thoughts on the Yamaha MG206C mixer

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Hey all,


Our band did a "dress rehearsal" for our sound equipment last night in a Gym to give the entire system and "run through" and get everything labeled and marked.

Our first gig of this current band/project is on the 31st, so we wanted to make sure there wasn't any "bugs" in the system.


We there was one.

The Mackie 1604 mixer.

Seems the balance was right heavy, and even the meters showed this, so it wasn't post mixer. Seems with a search around here it's the dreaded "ribbon failure" issue.



I read Agedhorse's response on having to completely pull the board apart (knobs, sliders, etc.) to access and repair this board. It just seems that it will not be cost effective to repair if it's going to run several hundred dollars.


Were considering the Yamaha MG206C for 16 XLR imputes and 4 Aux.


They sell for around $640 online, but we can get locally for $550.


How are these boards viewed?


I know everyone likes the Mix Wiz, but I'll have to do more research on it, the Yamaha, and any other obvious choices for replacement.



For now I'm interested in the feelings on the Yamaha.

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I own a MixWiz that I use as my main PA board and Yamaha MG12/4FX (which is a predecessor to the board you're looking at). There are some feature differences (i.e., parametric EQs (MixWiz) vs fixed Hi-Mid-Low (Yamaha) on the channel strips), etc.


Both are very well constructed boards (although the Yamaha uses a damn wall wart!).


Personally, I think they both represent real quality of construction at their respective price points - and would not hesitate to buy either board again.

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Mixwiz is a more logically laid out board IMHO. I owned a MG166fx which is kinda similar except no compression knob (wtf?). I really tried to work with it but my particular board seemed to be really hard to get a good gain structure on it. After 2 years and maybe 12 gigs I sold it off. That board, the Mixwiz and 01V are all relatively the same physical size and i prefer to use the other two if I'm going to cart around that weight.

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