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These will make your system sound better than ever!

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OK Nobody has given this thing a fair chance. It is a tube amp obviously sitting on the thing. I could see it stopping vibrations from your floor from shaking some microphonic tubes (which WOULD cause distortion). IF I was nuts enough to own high bias tube amps (therefor some fairly clean gain), I could see spending $30 for a product like this. Seems reasonable enough. OTOH if I were nuts enough to have an expensive tube amp (maybe worth $500 due to the rare hi V caps & supply needed (plus of course the tubes & output transformer - all that copper)), I'd keep fairly new tubes in it (which had not become microphonic).

I AM a pragmatic audiophile (is that an oximoron?) THEREFORE own little to no "audiophile" equipment due to the STUPID cost and the minimal to no actual quality gained by paying that extra money. I like my prices better that theirs. I'll take a nice clean $100 solid state amp anyway (you tell me if you can hear the difference between .001% & .002% harmonic distortion - I can't).

I have a friend who paid just under $10k for a stereo tube amp (with a CHINESE name). I failed on him and he sent it back for warranty repair (I wonder what factory Uli has his tube gear made at? ;)). Some people are amazingly.

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It appears the intended purpose for the amp support device is to mitigate transmission of floor vibrations to the amplifier... ambient sound pressure levels seems to be irrelevant for some reason :facepalm: Anyhoo... I'll suggest just setting the amplifier on heavy hunk of concrete supported by an inflated inner-tube should be equally, or possibly more effective for mitigating transmission of floor vibrations to the amplifier. My solution probably wouldn't offer the bragging rights though... probably wouldn't fit the decor either... eh?


Kinda reminds me of Missing Missy!


Funny stuff there... I haven't laughed that hard in years. Thank you.

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