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Sharing my experience with 50s wiring and a taper question


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I just wanted to share my own experience with Les Paul 50's wiring. After researching the subject for at least 2 months, watching endless Youtube instructional videos, etc., I finally got the nerve and up and rewired my 2005 Les Paul Custom Shop 1960 Reissue, which came to me with the Gibson "Bumblebee" caps. (Yes, the fake ones in the plastic covers...) My conclusion is:


Yes, it's a whole new world.


I know that many folks have considered it, and many others couldn't really see the point. To those desiring to control dynamics and amp breakup through the guitar controls I say onto you: hesitate no longer. Nay, do it today. It's just like they promised you - volume rolls down, hardly ANY treble loss. Tone goes down, weird and exciting things begin to take place. For instance, as you cut back on the tone, certain high frequencies are actually BOOSTED! I personally adore it.


So, if you are into the playing styles of Page, Allman, Kossoff etc - do it and you'll never go back.


I do have one question for all you tone masters: how can I tell if my 500K pots are linear or audio? Just by using my ears? My neck pu volume is a CTS 500K audio, but the other 3 just have "Gibson" etched onto the top, no other visible info.



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You mean you spent countless hours researching and debating whether to do a no-cost, reversible, 15 minute mod? :facepalm: I'm with you, it makes so much more sense than the modern wiring. Not sure why Gibson changed it. Far better alternative to retaining highs with rolled back volume than using a treble bleed.

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