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Lync LN1000

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Hey everyone. This is my first time posting to HC. I came across a Lync LN1000 for 25 bucks recently. The guy said it wasn't working, so sold it as is. I managed to get it working, he simply wasn't able to get the battery cap off.


There is very little information about these online. It came with the manual and everything seems to be working well on this thing. I am wondering, how are these regarded? Is it a good keytar? Did I stumble on to something valuable or is it just another low end novelty?


I'm a guitarist normally, but dabble in keys. I also managed to snag a Roland Juno-60 for 100 bucks recently, but I am holding on tight to that puppy. Its sounds sooo great.


Thanks for any answers!




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Yeah, that's about as much as I can glean about these things. VintageSynth.com has a tiny blurb about the LN4 Jan Hammer signature model. Mine looks identical to that, but in black with much more 80s neon!

here's a picture:





This was their entry level model and I believe sold for about $500-$700 new.

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I don't know... I have a Juno-60 and another midi controller on my desk, so it seems a bit redundant to me, especially since when the band plays live, I have either the Juno 60 or Rhoades clone for when I switch to keys. I am usually just playing the guitar and then switch over to keys mid song, as they are called for most typically.


I guess I'm trying to get a feel for whether or not I should keep the thing for its novelty or sell it off.

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Entry level, huh? Do you have any opinion on it? It seems to be well made, has good heft. The keys aren't weighted but they are velocity sensitive. Do you think its worth anything now?


It was their entry level controller. All remote keyboards seem to have value, at the moment. If you won't sell it to S&TG, sell it to me. ;)

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Man, I threw the thing up on Ebay with an outrageous "Buy It Now" price, just in case I had no idea what I was doing. I put the "Make me an Offer" button on it too, cuz frankly, I can't get a good idea on what its worth.


It really is a totally cool toy, but I can't see myself using it ever, so I'll just part with the thing. I'm no Jan Hammer, you know. ;)

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What I love is "It should be a simple fix".





"Replacement parts are near impossible to find"


"I spilled soda on it and it hasn't worked right since"


"I tried to fix it myself and I made it worse in the process"


"I only paid $100 for it and the tech says it'll cost at least $300 to fix it"


"It costs more than it's worth to get fixed so I'm milking what's left of its market value"


"Simple fix, provided you are well versed in embedded systems troubleshooting and own a well equipped bench with 250Mhz four channel scope and 32 bit logic analyzer"

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See, at least in my auction I admitted I am a fool about this sort of thing. I know the darn thing works, I just have next to zero experience with midi. My Juno is DCB, so unless I got a converter its useless for that. I use the M-Audio midi controller for recording live stuff and my other main keys are on a Hammond.


Still, he has six bids, so I can't sneer too much.

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See, at least in my auction I admitted I am a fool about this sort of thing. I know the darn thing works, I just have next to zero experience with midi. My Juno is DCB, so unless I got a converter its useless for that. I use the M-Audio midi controller for recording live stuff and my other main keys are on a Hammond.


Still, he has six bids, so I can't sneer too much.

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I only recently started wearing plaid again. I discovered a secret cache of snap up shirts, and that seems to be their halmark.


Anyhow, back to the topic. I bought a MIDI interface, plugged the Lync in and tested it out. {censored}er works like a charm. I played a little "Final Countdown," "Chariots of Fire," and of course, the "Miami Vice Theme" as on this device, it seemed that not doing so would insult it.


Long live the Lync. Long live the ridiculous bidding war for it on eBlame.




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I played a little ... "Chariots of Fire," and of course, the "Miami Vice Theme"


Vangelis had a strap-on CS80?


also this may shock you but Jan Hammer used a normal Minimoog through a guitar rig for the Miami Vice theme. later on he got the Lync and hooked it up to the Fairlight or Synclavier (can't remember which) for his "guitar" sound.



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what, no "thank you for helping me write and publicise my auction for a piece of gear i obviously have no love for other than its investment characteristic"?


btw, technically that motivator you brought to the table was a variant of the classic "your mom" joke, so ...



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No, actually that was my intent, despite the poor execution. So in no uncertain terms, thanks! As for the Lync, its very much appreciated for what it is: a really cool midi-controller I haven't the slightest ability to use to its most basic potential.


After reading and researching about the things, I've grown to realize how hard they are to come by. Still, I'm a pragmatic string-pluckin' sort of guy with the unfortunate affliction known as g.a.s., ergo my decision to sell it.




My mom doesn't have birthdays anymore.




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