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need your pedal painted? check it.


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sorry. i know ive posted something about this here before but i took all my posts about me painting down for the most part. i needed a breather and to work on a few things but I've gotten lots of stuff worked out and im ready to get back into it. prices went up a bit but i think it'll be easier for me and the buyer this way.


here are some of the pedals I've painted fairly recently (and remembered to take pictures of. lol!)







(the pedals right up this are currently for sale at fuzzhugger.com)







Ok, prices. I am leaning towards 25 for a single pedal, price includes shipping :CON. US:. For every additional pedal add 20. I accept paypal personal, verified check (i think that's what they are called) ... cash if you want to risk sending it... Just shoot me a PM if you have any bartering items.


I can strip flat rectangular pedals for you no charge however - any pedals with weird shapes will have to be stripped by you or you can scuff it up and i can paint over it if you prefer. If you can take it apart, that is ideal. If not, let me know what you have ahead of time.


I have had a few people ask me about painting Line 6 pedals - here's the deal with that - You strip it or if you prefer, I can simply paint over it. You are responsible for removing the metal labels and taking the pedal apart.


I have gone through a lot of trial and error, this isn't really a traditional way to paint a pedal and I have hit many road bumps but I am at a point where I can say, I feel confident the paint will hold up as well as any other. I personally only have one pedal I painted for myself (the dl4) and I have taken it off my board, moved it around, had other pedals rub against it, bump it, etc. and there are ZERO chips in it.


Anywhos. I dont have a whole lot else to say at the moment. PM me if you are interested (although email works much better - heartben@gmail.com)



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$10 a pedal (you pay shipping)

im hoping thats not insane.

edit : thanks nag!



No that's not "insane" at all. It seems more than fair. I think I'll have a look over some of my pedals and if I can't find a couple in need of a makeover...

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They look ace mate........I'd like to send over a couple or more from England if thats okay...?


Just a few questions if you don't mind:


Would it cost extra to have the old paint removed or would you prefer to do just new boxes....?


Would you just handpaint the labels below the knobs....?


Good luck with it all, your gonna get hammered with parcels in a short while once folk start to list photos of their finished pedals on the forum...





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alrighty. here we go.


to clear up shipping just so no one is surprised for whatever reason, when i say you pay shipping - i mean both ways. i know international shipping can be really expensive ( probably more than the painting it self)


i dont mind questions at all


if its just a square box i can probably remove the old paint, depends on if it can be removed with stripper or not. now consider this -

if you want it done as fast as possible - strip them if you can. its easier for me and itll be faster for you to get it back.


would i paint labels below the knobs, i could. i didnt consider it originally but i i certainly have hands so its not a huge deal.


i havent seen anyone paint knobs, im not entirely sure how that works but if you want me to try the worst case is the paint doesnt stick and your knobs look normal again.


uhm.. i also offer stencils so if you dont have a lot of text you cuold pick out a basic font. other wise if my free style hand writing is fine ( or something really simple) i can do it by hand.


if these answers arent sufficient let me know and ill re word/ re answer anything you want.




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Fantastic. Love the artstyle. I'll have to bookmark this. I think I want to get my Dual Resistafier painted, but it'll all depend on whether or not I actually decide to keep the damn thing. I'm hoping to be able to throw some cash your way soon though!

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I'm also waiting for two BYOC pedals to arrive, they will have paint on them, just the one colour though.....if its a little hassle extra to strip them then an extra charge is fine by me Ben.......!!!!!!


Hopefully be on their way this week then stripped next week and on their way to yourself..





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i certainly do! also for people curious i prime as well.


its probably a lot more rugged/sturdy than youd think. if you use a pedal board i probably wouldnt worry about it at all.


if you dont and you throw your pedals in a suitcase or soemthing with other pedals of course with any pedal chips are to be expected to some extent.




any more questions let me know, pms or posts here are welcome. email if you prefer

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alright man!

i cant stress enough the buyer pays shipping BOTH ways so consider that.


ill use whatever carrier/ services you want but you pay for them.


thats my only concern for people out of the us, i dont ship outside the us often so it might be expensive.



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