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What do I need ?


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I am fairly new to keyboards and play guitar in a live band. I want to play Keys on a few tracks during the gigs. I currently have a Korg XD5 . I dont think the piano sounds are great to be honest and Im not mad on some of the other sounds either.


What Synth(s) do I need to buy to get a half decent setup , I dont need to Sample or Burn CD's or anything like that , just play live . Do I need to keep the XD5 and buy a 2nd Keyboard to use in a MIDI configuration . Set one to Piano and the other to effects or what ? What Keyboard would one recommend. ? I dont feel I need state of the art but do need something fairly good ( what about Roland XP30 ) ?



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...how much are you willing to spend on an upgrade?


An XP30 would be a step up from your XD5.

Alternatively, you could keep the XD5 and just get a Roland module....an XV2020 or even a JV1010...if you just want 'out of the box' sounds for playing live.


If you wanted to spend more and get a better sound then you could look at a Yamha Motif (or the Motif ES but that's even more expensive).

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Originally posted by davecon

Thanks very much for the reply oddbuds , silly question from me ............can you explain to me what a Module is and how basically it works please.


A MIDI "module" is simply the sounds of a keyboard, but without the keys.


You can use any MIDI keyboard to "trigger" the sounds of any MIDI module - ie, you actually play on the keys of the keyboard, but you hear the sounds of the MIDI module come out of the speakers.


Of course, some keyboards are more sophisticated than others and are better suited for this purpose. Some kybds. are even designed EXCLUSIVELY for this purpose - they have NO internal sounds, they can only produce sounds by being connected to a MIDI sound module, which produces the sounds. The keyboard simply tells the module which notes or pitches to make sound at - which is determined by which actual keys your fingers press down...




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