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O/t POL: Dear President Bush, if you could do 1 Thing by 2008...


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Dear President Bush:


I noticed your rich friends, oil friends, ethically challenged political cronies, neocon friends and religious right friends surround you.


There is a lot more to this country than those folks.


The issues you focus on and and the way you focus on them is puzzling. Let me help you with one you have been talking about. Social Security - it's a simple math problem.


A lot of people are pissed that you can easily spend $82 Million in Iraq yet our inner city schools are starved for funding, there is a 29- 52 % dropout rate, and big surprise, Mr President, the students are African American and other poor minorities. People call that 'priorities'.


Mr President, please don't preach to us about the your Faith Based Initiative office and how churches will solve the problem. Churches are for Sunday morning. Don't stick religion in our face, ok ? Thank you


Mr President, remember when this country was challenged and the entire nation was energized by the

Apollo program ? This is important to remember, hold that thought.


I am one of many proud Americans that love their country and love their flag. There are some, and this group is getting louder and larger, that say you are going to fall down hard on your posterior in the next 3 years,


There is 1 problem with that. If you fall down hard, we all fall down with you. That is unacceptable.


If you could do 1 thing for your country, Mr President, solve for our Nation's Fuel Independance. You will go down in history in high regard if you can bring all the forces together and galvanize the great youthful energy in our great land toward a goal. Just like The Apollo Program.


Only you can do that.


What 1 Thing do you choose ?

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I hope you don't mind my posting... since im not an American. (perhaps just consider this an outsiders view)...


But i agree... its happening to some degree here too, but its very very minor in comparison.


I reckon... stick a chick in as the president. Seriously though... every female i have ever known concentrates on things that are directly related to themselves... they don't care whats going on in the outside world...


Stick a chick in as president and they'll concentrate on their home, on America instead of diverting funds to finish what daddy started.


If you ask me, im sick of this bull{censored} use of religion as an all purpose justification mechanism ... anyone who has actually studied Christianity would know (and im paraphrasing) "those who live by the sword, shall die by the sword".

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The worst thing about these threads, besides the threads themselves, is that none of the people who dis on Bush have anyone better to offer. I mean seriously - look at the zoo of Democrats that signed up to run against Bush and the best they could come up with in the end was John Kerry, who did better than expected but that's because everyone expected him to fail worse than he did. There was hardly any difference between Bush and Kerry except by the slimmest of margins... that's not much of a choice. Seems like Bush & Kerry agreed more than disagreed on practically everything, but that's who the Democrats sent.


Bush isn't in the White House because we all agree with him or his so-called agenda but because the opposition TOTALLY failed to provide a better choice. So the real bottom-line reason Bush is president is because of the Democrats - so why aren't you guys blaming them?


[insert long silence here while left-wingers try to think of cute replies to avoid the blame they deserve... :rolleyes:]

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Exactly. Instead of copying trite political diatribes from MoveOn.org and pasting them into posts on an internet forum for synthesizer enthusiasts, these people should be doing something productive. Like working at the local level to influence the party from the ground up to be more representative of their views. Or maybe even working in their community to actually help people who need it.


Maybe if all the people who spent last year listening to Al Franken and reading the daily Kos had actuall done something besides preaching to the choir, sitting around feeling indignant and smugly superior, they could have mada a difference.

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Originally posted by roblogic

Exactly. Instead of copying trite political diatribes from MoveOn.org and pasting them into posts on an internet forum for synthesizer enthusiasts, these people should be doing something productive. Like working at the local level to influence the party from the ground up to be more representative of their views. Or maybe even working in their community to actually help people who need it.

Maybe if all the people who spent last year listening to Al Franken and reading the daily Kos had actuall
something besides preaching to the choir, sitting around feeling indignant and smugly superior, they could have mada a difference.



I call it tossing change.. People do the bear minimum to change things. Then bitch when it doesnt go there way. Like tossing 50cents in a bucket for the homeless. Though such a small contribution it still gives you a piece of mind but doesnt really affect anything as a whole.. People bitch about the president, but instead of trying to bring about awareness all they do is vote then bitch after it is over.. Things can change you just have to make it happen..

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well , pro and rob. There are a few things I do other than post these topics on synth forums. I am not forcing you to read these O/t posts, am I ?


I write my local congresspeople to demonstrate balance of powers. I also campaign against local representatives who are nothing more than Delay/Bush lackeys.


Kerry was not a convincing alternative, I agree. However, he had 1 thing all over Bush. Kerry had Integrity. He comprehended facts into policy.


And I will tell you loud and clear that the American voters were wrong before. Take a look how long Civil Rights took. Take a look how long it took to defeat segregation. Does the name Martin Luther King mean something to you ?

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how do we combat apathy?!?



Exactly what I asked Ralph Nader a few months ago, in person. He didn't have a perfect answer to that complex problem, but nobody does. What can you do when so many people want so badly to believe what they were raised to believe, that if you work hard you will achieve the "American Dream". Maybe they lost sight of the fact that achieving this dream is not guaranteed. The only "guarantee" is that you would be allowed TRY to achieve the dream. But now even that guarantee is being undermined.


What can you do to wake up those who are determined to be zombies, believing that if they just keep driving SUVs & buying stuff at wal-mart, they will somehow be magically transformed into the life portrayed by the TV commercials.


How can you have faith in a government that says poor people should simply be more responsible, that if they are buried in debt it must be their own fault for not having good medical insurance, that they should just be responsible and pay those huge debts anyway, even if they have no money to do it with. And the same politicians say they have to protect large corporations from being held responsible from the results of their own greed, that they must be protected from having to go bankrupt when they are expected to pay for killing people in the name of profit. (Have to protect those that profit from asbestos, but let those miners dying from it fend for themselves. Just one example)


I've noticed that a common response from those that favor Bush is that when they are confronted with the drastically bad results of a Bush policy, they simply give a blank look, like they think you just dreamed this up, like it ain't possible, it has nothing to do with Bush. Sort of being in a passive denial state.


Some may be in a state of apathy, but they will actively fight any attempts to wake them up from it.


As for those that are steering this country down the tubes, they are quite aware of what they are doing. But as stated earlier:


He's got his agenda, you're just not part of it.



I think that if the average Bush supporter (not the rich ones) actually understood what he is up to there would be a lot fewer supporters. They simply don't want to see that they are being taken for a ride...


And I didn't like Kerry that much either, I just figured him as the lesser of two evils...

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Originally posted by GregCh

well , pro and rob. There are a few things I do other than post these topics on synth forums.



Good for you.



I am not forcing you to read these O/t posts, am I ?



No, who said that? But if you're going to post limp OT political rhetoric that annoys me, I'm going to tell you how I feel about it.




And I will tell you loud and clear that the American voters were wrong before. Take a look how long Civil Rights took. Take a look how long it took to defeat segregation. Does the name Martin Luther King mean something to you ?



What are you trying to say here?


Look, for what it's worth, I totally agree with your politics. I'm just sooo tired of seeing this type of thing. You're not educating anyone. It's just annoying.

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Originally posted by GregCh

well , pro and rob AND WARPED. There are a few things I do other than post these topics on synth forums. I am not forcing you to read these O/t posts, am I ?

- I fixed your post (it's in CAPS)


Yes, yes you are forcing me to read this... as a matter of fact my arm feels like it's going to be ripped from my body any second.




Please, I beg you to stop... please....





It hurts... my eyes feel like they're on fire and my arm is so twisted that my shoulder feels like it's goig to pop...


Please I beg you.. no more...



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Originally posted by GregCh

Dear President Bush:

A lot of people are pissed that you can easily spend $82 Million in Iraq yet our inner city schools are starved for funding, there is a 29- 52 % dropout rate, and big surprise, Mr President, the students are African American and other poor minorities. People call that 'priorities'.



I thought that number was several billion dollars higher than that..

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