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Pro-OASYS versus anti-OASYS: CEASE FIRE!!!


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Originally posted by Chris100

spritex = bobtheknob = irish-arsed troll

-signed, Captain Obvious



BTW, spritex isn't me, and I'm not him.


Chris100 = bitter evicted member of certain other forum(s), on a personal vendetta against the topic/people tangentially related to his expulsion.


-signed, Colonel Transparent

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Originally posted by swandiver

Well, so much for *this* effort at a cease-fire.

You drove by the accident, made a u-turn to go back and "help", then "accidentaly" bumped your car into the other car, causing the flames to rise higher then sat back and watched in "despair".


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Originally posted by bobtheknob

I'm not advertising anything. I
the OASYS. You hate it. End of story. If I have to listen to your drivel, you can listen to mine.

Actually, it doesn't seem you really like the Oasys.

1) did you play one? If I recall correctly, one wasn't allowed to touch 'm at the Messe where it was shown to the public. So your "liking" is based on the demos and the specifications.

2) did you pre-order one? Surely, if you'd like it, you'd be saving up.

3) and if this Oasys is going to be so great & awesome, why are all of you fans so eager to reap the cheap knockoffs and not the product itself?

Martin Hines already mentioned that he likes the idea of having several cheaper synths thanks to the Oasys. That's great, but it's the other way round.

Makes you think why Korg'd try to cram everything in a single unit and then divide it up in parts instead of what Yamaha did with the Motif - first FM, then sample-based, then VL, then AN - and now you can have a Motif with all those plugins and a sampling workstation as basis.

Roland did it with the V-synth - first the JP8000, then the Variphrase, then the V-synth which takes it all together. First the S-760 and whatnot, then the XP-series, now the Fantom which includes sampling.

Or am I getting confused again? :confused:

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Originally posted by Yoozer

...3) and if this Oasys is going to be so great & awesome, why are all of you fans so eager to reap the cheap knockoffs and not the product itself?

Martin Hines already mentioned that he likes the idea of having several cheaper synths thanks to the Oasys. That's great, but it's the other way round.



Let me clarify your misunderstanding:

-- A person can LIKE a product without buying one. I like Ferraris and Porches, but I probably won't be buying one of those either. Do YOU own every piece of gear you would like to own, or are you more "normal" in that you can't afford to buy everything you want?

-- I have been saying "I probably won't buy one" since I can't afford one. This is my initial opinion based on the fact that I haven't had a chance to demo one in person, which I plan to do. Who knows, if I like it enough, I will probably find a way to own one.

-- Just like ANY premium product, I am hopeful that the OASYS is successful enough for Korg to continue its development. I WOULD like to see Korg be able to produce additional products that include OASYS technology at a lower "price point". This idea is similar to someone being happy that Korg created the Triton LE based on the Triton technology.

From my perspective, there is nothing "confusing" about my views.

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hi martin, as you may well know, im a big korg fan, (but have no interest in the IA,SW thingamyjig argument that has been going on).

My question is to you is, do you agree that Korg are possibly barking up the wrong tree with the Oasys pricewise. I think the 'price' has seriously dented their reputation at the moment, and think that if they were clever, they would get a move on and release products like the Z2 and MS3000 at sub 2k prices.

I think the Triton range needs to move on as well. It is getting a bit long in the tooth. They should scale down the Oasys, forget the hd recording, make a big thing of the AL-1 and cost sub 2k.

I think everyone would be happy then. I would be :)

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I am not impatient with Korg on the new keyboard front.

The Oasys is not the last keyboard workstation that Korg will manufacture in the next 3 years. I am confident that we will see something more affordable and scaled down in 2 years.

Korg is not as big as Roland and Yamaha.
They can't crank out 3 different price points in the 1st year of a new keyboard workstation. They don't have unlimited resources and massive manufacturing capacity.

It's my opinion that all the talk that Korg is leaving folks behind or is out of touch is very premature. It is not unreasonable what Korg is doing with the Oasys. It is a business decision on their part.

I am perfectly ok with seeing how the next year plays out when the Oasys gets into the marketplace . I think it will be great fun to see what happens.

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