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FEELER!Trade Parker PM20G for Strat


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Ok, I got this in trade from someone on here, its as minty as minty gets. I don't necessarily want to trade it, I'm just putting it up and if I get the right strat offer I'll trade. No offers for other kinds of guitars or cash, I am loving this but want to make sure I don't let a good strat fall through. I will consider Telecasters as well.







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That gold Strat is haunting me.......I've got this CAR 93 MIM. Just cleaned her up today and added the white pearl guard. Complete teardown, even dismantled the trem piece by piece. Waxed the body by hand with MeGuiars. Couple of dings but no chips missing. I've still got the loaded guard from the 2000 Deluxe Super Strat as well.



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What about a Kick Ass Flame TTM? The only reason that I'm even considering getting rid of this is that I just ordered another one! It still has plastic on the pickguard! This is the absolute BEST sounding and playing strat I have ever put my hands on. It has a wide/fingerboard that is just incredible, no {censored}! I sold my American Standard because of this guitar!




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