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OT: Walmart, K-Mart, Target, and Nazi junk here

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Originally posted by urbanscallywag

Birdie: if you are honestly comparing Walmart to genocide you need to step into reality. Their business practices may not always be in the best interest of human civilization as a whole, but they aren't as sadistic as the Nazis. In fact, I know 3 people that work there, and they are all happily employed making more than they would be at McDonalds or other typical gruntwork.

As far as Target and K-Mart not defacing every small town in America: they would if they could. They simply don't have the organization and efficiency of Walmart. It has nothing to do with the big wigs at either company having a warm heart, don't kid yourself.


I simply meant to say that efficiency can be admired in a business but it is hardly the only factor. Ethics also count. The fact is that some businesses actually do take more social responsibility than others. I have always heard good things about working for HP, for example. And I read in the paper just the other day that Cosco is going to give it's employees health insurance.


{censored} runs downhill, and so do the efforts of a few good people at the top. People really do make the difference in any organization, a business or otherwise. In any public school, for example, the quality of the teachers is directly affected by the quality of the administration. The leaders set the example. :)

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Originally posted by Phineas

Urb, please. I don't think anyone can reasonably believe that is what Birdie said, let alone meant. Remember, you were speaking about your admiration for efficiency from an engineer's perspective, and he only mentioned that Mussolini and the Nazis were very efficient. Nothing more.

Reading between the lines, I infer that he means without compassion, efficiency is just a means to an end, and lacking said compassion, that end is seldom if ever pretty.


Thank you, very well put. :)

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Originally posted by pighood

You should also boycott synth companies.

They make....profits.




They don't sign petitions in town to keep Roland or Yamaha out. Also, they don't require the state to pay the extra cash because folks can't make enough at Walmart.

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Originally posted by Yoozer

Also, they don't require the state to pay the extra cash because folks can't make enough at Walmart.



They couldn't get away with it if the state cut off welfare, now could they?


And don't think it's just Wal-Mart. You're lucky if you make over $6.20 an hour here at any "name brand" place.

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I've got a friend who uses a 56k modem. Reason?


"Come on man, how can you give in to that Time Warner monopoly? They have no competition and thier data packets are all carried on the backs of portugese migrant child slave labor, etc, etc, blah blah blah."

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Originally posted by Birdienumnum

I simply meant to say that efficiency can be admired in a business but it is hardly the only factor. Ethics also count.

I never meant to imply it was either.


I don't have the heart to be a shrewd business man, hence I study engineering. :D;)

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Originally posted by pighood

You should also boycott synth companies.

They make....profits.




Logical steps according to the Gospel of Pighood:

1) Walmart is deemed evil.

2) Walmart makes profit.

3) Synth companies make profit.

4) Synth companies can't be evil. I mean, look at Waldorf and the good stuff they've given us!

5) Making profit can't be evil.

6) According to 2) : Therefore, Walmart can't be evil.




8a) Arms dealers sell their stuff to the terrists.

8b) Terrists hate freedom.

9) Arms dealers make profit.

10) Whoops, see 5).

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It depends on how you define greed. Is greed just an excessive desire of money or material things? How do you define "excessive"? To me, it's more a question of ethics. I don't care how strongly they desire money, it's a matter of what a company is willing to do to get money.

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It's just that your posted "middle of nowhere"




New WALMart




Only competing businesses are College and AFB


eerily resembled my experiences there, and I thought I'd take a wild stab in the dark.


Not so likely on the face of it, since there are only 12 people still in North Dakota since I left.



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Walmart is more or less a retail apparatchik. They control the manufacturers who supply them, push for unrealistic pricing, and what happens is that the manufacturer can either opt to go out of business or they can move their operations to the People's Republic of China. Then where the deceased manufacturing plant with its long gone middle class jobs once were located Wal Mart throws up a store and pay the people $8.00 an hour. Meanwhile China floods the U.S. market with goods so cheap U.S. firms struggle to compete.

End result: People are so happy to save $1.00 on some P.O.S that they put themselves in a position where the jobs that allow you to buy a house and raise a family etc. go away. In other words, who gives a {censored} if a TV costs $50 more! At least that way people can make enough to put their kids through college etc.

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Walmart aside, there has been a disturbing trend of the federal government loosening up it's definition of "monopoly"...hence the consolidation of FM radio under less than 5 mega corporations, hence the consolidation of television networks, bank mega-mergers...these companies go and then kick back "gifts" to the politicians that bend the rules for them. This goes BEYOND democrats versus republicans...ALL are guilty.


In Walmarts case, how can it be GOOD to have local mom and pop/smaller scale stores go out of business because they can't afford to compete with Walmarts prices? Do you know Walmart almost put Rubbermaid, a giant company in of itself, out of business because they wanted Rubbermaid to cut their prices on their goods? When they didnt', Walmart took ALL their products of their shelves and the company suffered GREATLY.


Now, last I heard America was supposed to be a representative democracy....


Business is not evil.

Making money is not evil.

Competition is good.

State sanctioned Monopoly is akin to COMMUNISM.

And mega-corps helping shape governement policies without imput (or outside of the interests of) the people is DANGEROUS.

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Originally posted by wishfulsinful909

In Walmarts case, how can it be GOOD to have local mom and pop/smaller scale stores go out of business because they can't afford to compete with Walmarts prices?

Well obviously they were too expensive and inefficient anyway :o.


Now, last I heard America was supposed to be a representative democracy....

But its economy isn't.

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Originally posted by wishfulsinful909

Now, last I heard America was supposed to be a representative democracy....


Try this IIRC:




Read and learn. :)


For my part, I remember when Rome was but a Republic, with a senate and two proconsuls. Before Caesar, Octavian, What's-his-name debauching on Capri, Caligula, Nero....ad nauseam.



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Originally posted by mr.rob

Walmart is more or less a retail apparatchik. They control the manufacturers who supply them, push for unrealistic pricing, and what happens is that the manufacturer can either opt to go out of business or they can move their operations to the People's Republic of China. Then where the deceased manufacturing plant with its long gone middle class jobs once were located Wal Mart throws up a store and pay the people $8.00 an hour. Meanwhile China floods the U.S. market with goods so cheap U.S. firms struggle to compete.

End result: People are so happy to save $1.00 on some P.O.S that they put themselves in a position where the jobs that allow you to buy a house and raise a family etc. go away. In other words, who gives a {censored} if a TV costs $50 more! At least that way people can make enough to put their kids through college etc.





Well said. This process is what resulted in me being unemplyed 2 years ago and the company I worked for declaring Chapter 11 Bankruptcy.


That $120,000 US college education/degree didn't save me either (at least for 8 months until I found another job im my area of expertise).


This affects everybody in this country, not just the blue collar/low income people you normally typecast as Wal-Mart shoppers.


It needs to stop unless the US is OK with going by the wayside like past "world powers" (Great Britain, Roman Empire) and pass its torch onto China.

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