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Yamaha GX-1 on ebay

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Originally posted by FatBaron

I would say it's worth about $20k.



That's because you have no idea what you're talking about. There's under half a dozen of them in existence, and the ones that are still working tend to be owned by people like like Keith Emerson or Ralph Zimmerman or John Paul Jones. Those are the kinds of people with so much money that if you really wanted to wrestle a rare instrument out of their grasp that they really wanted, you'd have to make it worth their while.


Seriously though, $20k? They were worth $40k NEW in 1974, and that's also in 1974 dollars. They cost more than a house. In the case of this one, the original buyer paid $50k.

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It was worth around $50K in 1975 because then it was a true innovative instrument.


Consider now the possibilities offered by a GX-1 compared to certain top new synths today... And it's a totally different story. ;)

Another problem is : do you have an extra room in your house just for this thing?


Nice pics of the monster though. :cool:

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My personal impressions of the GX-1's potential comes from Led Zeppelin, specifically their album "In Through The Out Door". I think this album is the best example of the GX-1 used properly, but that's my take on it. I think Emerson Lake and Palmer were overly cheesy in their use of it, whereas Led Zeppelin captures the power of the {censored}ing thing.


"In the Evening" is a great example of how dark you can make it...John Paul Jones used it for the strings mainly.


"Carouselambra"...this is the song you want to hear if you want to know what the GX-1 can do. Consider it a ten minute GX-1 thesis...the synth takes center stage to entire song and he really shows off what it'll do. Initially he uses it for a brassy type sound, then later on if you pay close attention around the part around 2:10 in you can hear weird warbly noises being generated by the GX-1 underneath the main lead...I have no idea how he got that sound. I can play this entire song and have a pretty close patch on my Roland XP-30, but it doesn't have the power to sneak that little nuance into the patch, nor do I have the programming genius to figure out how to make the sound. Hence my need (not want) for a GX-1 ;)


"All My Love" shows off the GX-1 as an instrument. Again it is used for strings, then has a brassy solo midway through the song where John Paul Jones uses the smaller, top, third manual of the GX-1. A little known fact is that the GX-1 had a lot of strange interfaces...ribbon controllers, weird things to push, and the third manual (the smallest) had keys that could be wiggled side to side to generate vibrato. This is how he pulled off this solo the way he did.


I definately recommend giving those three songs a listen.

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Originally posted by urbanscallywag

Where can I hear a GX-1?


Aside from the Led Zeppelin I cited, the Yamaha CS-80 is very similar to the GX-1. According to the Christian bible, man was created in God's image. Man is the CS-80, the GX-1 is God :cool:


No, but the GX-1 was a massive experiment type deal, and a couple years later when the technology became more affordable and markettable, they released the GX-1 concept in the CS-80...basically a single-manual version of its God, without the interface controls, the bass pedals, and the liquid sex case.


Man, I still listen to "In the Evening" and get shivers thinking of sitting in a stadium with the audience waiting in a haze of smoke...suddenly you hear weird eerie noises and BOOM the lights kick on and they come into the song, with John Paul Jones in full glory sitting behind the controls of the white beast.


What's so exciting about this particular GX-1 event for me (this e-bay sale) is that I have never EVER seen pictures of the speakers! As if the synth itself isn't sexy enough on it's own?

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Originally posted by urbanscallywag

Where can I hear a GX-1?



uh "Fanfare for the Common Man" and "Pirates" by ELP are two very awesome tunes with GX-1 on them.


"cheesy"? whatever. JPJ, KE, stevie wonder, ABBA ... they all made that thing sound good.


go listen to "Fanfare ..." and tell me it's cheesy. {censored} ... that's the most badass polysynth track in blues-rock history.


what ELP stuff did you think sounded "cheesy", Mr Potato? you are probably confusing the GX-1 for the Polymoog prototype KE was using in '74 ... alot of the tracks on Works Volume II were actually from _that_ period.

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