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korg ms-200 / Daft Punk just freagin look


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Um, so in "digital love" by daft punk, what the {censored} is going on with that guitar solo, are they running through a korg synth type modular unit or what?

I want a hardware type solution to getting moog'ish sounds out of my guitar that doesnt involve the boss bass synth.

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You can turn off the envelope follower in the Micro Synth if you want to.


It still sounds pretty awful though, you're not going to really get anywhere as far as 'moogish' bass tone goes with that.


I would suggest trying to find one of the old boss wave generator double pedal things, and throw a G/K on your guitar. The boss doesn't have a filter on it, so either pick up something like the Vermouna filter (if you want inexpensive) or pick up a Moogerfooger 24dB filter pedal. That would sound the best.


That will provide a pretty solid base for you to work with as far as shaping analogue-esque synth tones WITHOUT having to deal with one of those new all in one roland synth boxes.

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