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Income Taxe return surprise !!!


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Isn't it fun when you get that special once a year surprise !!!

I'll get $700 back in a month or two............hummm what should I do ??

Hey isn't Roland supposed to come out with a cheap VA ??

Cha-ching.... a nice SH-201 pleaaaaaaase :idea:


Seriously, I bashed a bit the 201 until I saw the price, now if the sound is right I'll get one.

By the way any news about this VA since the NAMM ??????

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While we're at it, doing your avatare activity would be even less boring.......:eek:


We will see if the SH-201 is so boring in a couple of months, at least it doesn't cost an arm to be sleep induced by the big R compared to the big K.


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Originally posted by G-bus

Not at all, he's rowing an invisible boat.


Oops I thought he was cleaning an invisible desk !


My tax refund will be about 3500 EUR this year (USD 4200) but I have enough gear already (eyeing the new Moog though).


Think I will invest in sugar futures market. :idea:

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Originally posted by Steph3dfx

I'll get $700 back in a month or two.

Yeah, but is that real money or the funny Canadian stuff? ;) ;)


Hey isn't Roland supposed to come out with a cheap VA ??

Cha-ching.... a nice SH-201 pleaaaaaaase

That's ignoring all the sweet cheap VAs that float around on eBay. C'mon, give those some love, too! :)


Seriously, I bashed a bit the 201 until I saw the price, now if the sound is right I'll get one.

By the way any news about this VA since the NAMM ??????

Demo a V-synth, use the VA part there; the SH-201 should be the same minus the touch screen menu diving.

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Unless you need the keys, or the USB bus connectivity, you might want to opt for a cheap JP-8080 off eBay instead.


I know I wouldn't trade mine for a silly SH-201. :cool:


If you like the Roland VA sound you might also want to check out the AN1X(or the AN200 - half an AN1X plus a proprietary MULTISAW osc, some drum samples, and a rudimentary 4 track step sequencer) for a very economical approximation of the JP.


Bach42t wrote:

I'm getting 800 bucks back, still not enough for a V-Synth though.....


No, but that's about enough for a VariOS.

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Originally posted by nSCOURGE

Unless you need the keys, or the USB bus connectivity, you might want to opt for a cheap JP-8080 off eBay instead.

I know I wouldn't trade mine for a silly SH-201.


I would. I'm not too sure about all the JP-8080's improved features over the JP-8000 and I don't have the SH-201's manual in front of me right now but......


1. The SH-201 seems to be capable of having the Supersaw waveform on both oscillators.


2. The feedback oscillator is still polyphonic.


3. Sine waves in the oscillators


Ultimately it still comes down to sound and role in your studio but these are improvements over the JP-8000 that I currently have.


I'll review the manual again when I get home as I could be wrong but those are good reasons to upgrade besides the price.

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Yeah, but is that real money or the funny Canadian stuff?


The $700 figure is in US $$, the real amount I'll get is 850 in ''funny Canadian stuff'' :D

I did the conversion just for you ;)


Regarding Ebay, a fantastic place for accesories and other electronic goodies like SRX cards.

But as far as synth is concern it's only ''BNIB with waranty'' for me.

(unless I stumble on a mint JP8 for $100)

And I hate racks.


So the choice on the market now for cheap VA synth is :


MS2000, not enough poly

ION, no reverb and delay

Xstation monotimbral


The 201 would be the best compromise for me, it has the effects I want, the UI i want, a sexy black look, 10 voice poly with supersaw on both osc, stereo inputs with dedicate filter. In fact I see the 201 as a VA expansion for my Fantom-S.

I will plug the FS in the 201, then plug my phones in the 201 and voila an ultra simple setup.


Yeah the SH-201 storage is ridiculous and no multitimbrality is offensive in 2006, but If the sounds is right somewhere the JP8000 and the V synth I'll get it.


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Originally posted by Steph3dfx

Yeah the SH-201 storage is ridiculous and no multitimbrality is offensive in 2006, but If the sounds is right somewhere the JP8000 and the V synth I'll get it.



It is multitimbral. 2 part multitimbral like the JP-8000.


Storage. A bummer. I hope they improve that before it's release to 64 but 32 doable.

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I don't know, it's hard to recommend this thing over a JP on the merits of synthesis:


Where's OSC wave-shaping functionality?






Yeah sure, you can use the Supersaw for both OSC, but I think that the JPs make up for it with their polyphony in Dual mode(SH-201's polyphony in Dual mode is reduced by an as of yet undisclosed amount - presumably half).


Besides, how many concurrent Supersaws do we really need(on a dual part synth).


MuzikB wrote:

It is multitimbral. 2 part multitimbral like the JP-8000.


You mean the Keyboard Split mode?


Unfortunately, the SH-201 responds to just a single midi channel(so in this regard - like the microkorg -, it's 'dual-timbral' operation cannot be accessed via discrete midi channels).


Steph3dfx wrote:

So the choice on the market now for cheap VA synth is


Here are some other alternatives:


If you can reconcile the interface, a Micron is impossible to beat anywhere near it's price range.


And one could say the same thing for the AN1X and KS-4/5 in the used arena.


But if you demand a *new* JP-sounding board, then it sounds like the SH-201 is in your future.


Just be sure to divulge your experiences with it. :p

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Ah yeah, now I'm at home in front of the manual.


You guys are right, bi-timbral. Still it does depend on sound and whether or not it's a viable tool in your setup. I only want it for Rolandish pads, strings, and basses.


I've got unison on other synths and really only need it to have 5 or 6 voices.


I want it for its' Supersaw and polyphonic Feedback OSC on both oscillators, Sine waves on both oscillators, sine wave lfo's and Roland character sound.


If it sounds on par, then It does what I need it to do. No more and no less.


The new Juno 106 of our age.


If I get it I'll be sure to address whether those dual supersaw oscillators are appreciated. ;)

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Oh yeah, that's right: you alluded to polyphonic FB OSC in an earlier post.





Looks like I'll have to wait for some educated feed-back on that. :p


I also confess to a weakness for USB connectivity.


As for proprietary V-synth waveforms - I am curious as to how they compare(to JP), but would wager that they are derivative of the JP models.


It would be nice if they included the rest of the V-Synth's Analog waveforms.

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I would have liked a better TB-303 filter than the V-Synths to be included . :)


Particularly for use with the external inputs.


Imagine how the basses would be with a Moog Voyager through a really good TB filter.

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If you can reconcile the interface, a Micron is impossible to beat anywhere near it's price range.



I agree, but unfortunatly I can't stand the UI + the limited keyboard on the Micron.

And unfortunatly the ION doesn't have a reverb+delay section.


I almost bought a KS-4 2 years ago, but the clicking fest and thin sound above C5 stop me cold. I'm Glad I seriously tested it before spending my ''funny Canadian $$''.

It appear that the latest OS resolve the clicking problem..........too late.


I would be very surprised if the SH-201 doesn't delivered the analoguish Roland's signature in a virtual way. But we'll have to wait till june be 100% shure.

Unless there's a serious demo at the next music show ''musikmesse''.

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