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Chinese sounding scales?


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> the ancient chinese used mostly pentonic scales, which is pretty interesting,


For what it's worth, a Chinese restaurant I used to go to played moderately traditional music over the speakers. The scales in the very sweet songs were pentatonic. So yes, there is at least some truth there. Beyond that, I know nothing.



Those words sound Japanese.

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If you play a major pentatonic scale, put a crazy vibrato on the long notes and make some interval jumps now and then you're gonna start sounding pretty damn Chinese in no time. There's of course much more to it but this will get you close, just like the Harmonic Minor will give you a general "Mideastern sound".

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You can play just about any sequence of fifths and it will sound oriental. I tend to like the root above the fifth myself, otherwise it sound more power chordy. But, the root below the fifth works too, just think Turning Japanese, or China Girl ;)


Try this slowly letting the every third group of notes of the sequence hang a little bit before moving to the next sequence of notes....










You'll see that this is nothing more than select groups of notes out of a pentatonic scale. Most oriental scales, in the tradition sense, rarely have more than five notes in them.


When you start getting into the Harmonic Minor and it's modes you get more of an "exotic" sound rather than an "oriental" sound.


Just play your pentatonic scales slowly and maybe give some wider interval movements and you'll be Turning Japanese before you know it ;)

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