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Started digging into scales..

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I think Ive learned more today than I have in quite a while thanks to a short session of really knuckling down. Basically I knew a few scales. Today I decided, right, Im going to pick 'C Major' scale and learn it all over the fretboard. Its already paying off dividends, I think there are five or so different patterns which obviously all join up and once you get to familiarise yourself with these patterns and find out little melodies etc it gets really cool. So Ive probably learned more in the last 30mins/hour than I have in a long while thanks to some hard graft. Basically, I read that a good idea is to pick a scale and practise only that scale in that day. If you get bored, tough, stick at it, mess around with it, find loads of patterns, memorise the notes, I looked for all the root notes (in this case - all the C's on the fretboard, easy enough to find seeings as nearly all of them are in C5 power chords).


Anyway, hopefully by the end of the day I'll become a bit of a whizz at C Major soloing.. tomorrow - I'll either stick at C Major again or pick a different key to work on.. Id probably be best off learning all the Major Scales off by heart first so thatll probably take me a week-2 weeks if I do it this way..


Also, before I end this post, is it really worth learning the CAGED method? Ive looked at it before but not in any great detail. It seemed like mostly major scale stuff anyway...


EDIT - One More Thing, if anyone can tell me some songs that have been written around the C Major scale so I can maybe get some insight into how they were written etc that would be cool..




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Originally posted by TornadoShaunUK

I think Ive learned more today than I have in quite a while thanks to a short session of really knuckling down. Basically I knew a few scales. Today I decided, right, Im going to pick 'C Major' scale and learn it all over the fretboard. Its already paying off dividends, I think there are five or so different patterns which obviously all join up and once you get to familiarise yourself with these patterns and find out little melodies etc it gets really cool. So Ive probably learned more in the last 30mins/hour than I have in a long while thanks to some hard graft. Basically, I read that a good idea is to pick a scale and practise only that scale in that day. If you get bored, tough, stick at it, mess around with it, find loads of patterns, memorise the notes, I looked for all the root notes (in this case - all the C's on the fretboard, easy enough to find seeings as nearly all of them are in C5 power chords).

Anyway, hopefully by the end of the day I'll become a bit of a whizz at C Major soloing.. tomorrow - I'll either stick at C Major again or pick a different key to work on.. Id probably be best off learning all the Major Scales off by heart first so thatll probably take me a week-2 weeks if I do it this way..

Also, before I end this post, is it really worth learning the CAGED method? Ive looked at it before but not in any great detail. It seemed like mostly major scale stuff anyway...

EDIT - One More Thing, if anyone can tell me some songs that have been written around the C Major scale so I can maybe get some insight into how they were written etc that would be cool..




well basically the CAGED is what you just learned. it shows you how all the scale boxes overlap to form a continous pattern. it also applys to chords. i would recomend getting the book fretboard logic. it opened me up to a whole new world


also when learning different "keys" of the major scale you just have to shift the different patterns around.

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