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how would you handle this student?

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I may have misread your original post, but it seemed he was interested in the equipment and the music scene. Maybe you could spend a lesson or two on guitar electronics and mechanics. He might be more interested in being a tech or producer than in playing. Maybe he can help you do a setup or do a recording of you playing using some good equipment.

He does have interest, maybe he just needs to understand where.

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Originally posted by pretaanluxis

he's only 13, I think your being a bit harsh...but definitely tell him to buy an electric tuner and use it every time he plays


In fact, suggest it to his parents, and let them know that you want them to buy it so you will not have to waste any valuable lesson time on tuning. Tell THEM that he should use the tuner before each lesson.

Then, every time he shows up with the guitar out of tune, slowly and painstakingly force him to tune up each string in front of you with the tuner before the lesson goes on. Let him know each time that you would have more time for fun stuff in the lesson if he would show up in tune.

If he forgets the tuner, force him to tune to your guitar by ear.

He will probably get sick of all that after a while and just start getting it done.

Plus, if his parents ask you about his progress and you tell them that you have to spend a third of each lesson tuning his guitar. they will probably "motivate" him themselves. :thu:

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Originally posted by Kinetic

Can't you just hit him with a big stick?

If he's home school his parents are probably hippies and might see that as stifling his creativity... having said all that - if i ever have kids I'm *not* sending them for guitar lessons with you; unless of course they do something to annoy me ;):p

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Originally posted by Slave_New_Wurld

Yeh because parents have to be hippies to oppose hitting kids.


Yup - and democrats/liberal party supporters (depending on which side of the Atlantic you're on ;) )

In fact if you oppose beating children you're clearly a pot-smoking, wooly minded, liberal idiot - and a communist ;):p

(Disclaimer - i do not approve of beating kids)

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Originally posted by Knottyhed

Yup - and democrats/liberal party supporters (depending on which side of the Atlantic you're on

In fact if you oppose beating children you're clearly a pot-smoking, wooly minded, liberal idiot - and a communist

(Disclaimer - i do not approve of beating kids)

*sigh* I've told you not to confuse me like that, you know it makes me implode.



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Originally posted by Slave_New_Wurld

*sigh* I've told you not to confuse me like that, you know it makes me implode.




[Edit]I just realised - I've implied that i'm a pot-smoking, wooly minded, liberal-communist idiot :o [/Edit]

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