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Is there anybody here who could assist me in tabbing out a song..


It is of a local hardcore band I want to play with and would like to at least be able to play one of their songs before jamming with them..


It is short.. less than 2:30


PM me if you would

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I think the OP doesn't have more than the actual song.

Am I right? No sheet music?

Assuming you've got their CD or something, you'll have to spend time plinking around, figuring out the strumming, note pattern (I think they call that rythm). Then you have to figure out what notes or chords they're playing.

Think of this as your first test to join their band. If you can't figure out their stuff, you can't play it.

You could also ask the band, since you want to audition, for a copy of their sheet music/tab.

All in all, I suspect it's a ton of work.

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