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OT sorta, I just scored a titanium powerbook g4 for 400 bones!


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I scored one of those for free with a gig of ram in it. Great score.


I am a certified Apple tech so I give you one word of advise on it - be very careful opening and closing it. The hinges are very brittle and will break eventually. Mine did a few weeks ago on the left side so now it's only holding up on the right. The big deal is that they are not seperate hinges; they are part of the display assembly and they only suppply that as a replacement part. A replacement is about 600 bucks.

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Originally posted by ivorycj

sweet -- what size?


I thought (and I could be wrong) that the titanium Powerbooks only ever came in a 15" version. When they introduced the 12" and 17" Powerbooks, they were aluminum, and eventually the next 15" was too.

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