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Video Lesson 4-24-08 Minor Pentatonic Scale Lesson #1

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Thanks! :)


I had a new one in the can today but I was so distracted with students, walk ins and the phone ringing that I made a pretty big error in terminology that I didn't catch until I had uploaded the lesson, so I pulled it until I can reshoot the video. ARGH.


Things are screamingly busy at the studio which is good except for I am running out of time to do things like this properly and things like this are why business is so good at the moment so I need to get it figured out...:mad:

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I was never able to put scales together in any musical way until I started watching/studying your lessons. They finally made it click for me. Taking what you teach and working with some backing tracks I am finally able to make some decent sounds.

Thank you, Mark!

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I was never able to put scales together in any musical way until I started watching/studying your lessons. They finally made it click for me. Taking what you teach and working with some backing tracks I am finally able to make some decent sounds.

Thank you, Mark!



Thanks guys! I appreciate the kind words!


I am always taking suggestions for new lessons, too....

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