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Best Paul Gilbert Instructional DVD?


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Basically *everything* by Paul Gilbert is great but the quintessential instructional vid from him is Intense Rock - get the DVD version that collects Vol.1 and Vol. 2 together. Paul shows not only licks and exercises but gives out helpful tips on how to pull them off as well as he does.


Terrifying Guitar Trip is cool as well, especially if you want to learn some actual songs from Mr. Big, or at least, the famous parts of actual songs. Still damned good, especially if you want to learn that quirky tapping intro to Green Tinted Sixties Mind or the solo from To Be With You, which some people consider to be worth the DVD.


Get Out Of My Yard is cool for some insights on picking technique and the inspiration for the songs in the album of the same name but since it doesn't come with tab of any sort and Paul doesn't really explain the stuff he's playing in great detail, it's definitely not for beginners or even intermediate players. It's definitely something to get you motivated though.


Silence Followed By A Deafening Roar is his newest DVD and it's in the same vein as Terrifying Guitar Trip in that the majority of the DVD is spent playing the parts to the songs from his newest album of the same name. The 'Shred Annex' part of the DVD is sort of like Intense Rock in that he teaches some licks, but again, doesn't really go over them in great detail. It does come with tab though, so if you want to play along (good luck) you can (try).


Hope this helps!

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