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Solar and other videos....

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Well, I figured I would sort of group this into a new post, since it has to do with Solar, too, but a few other things as well...


First off, here is the link to me playing over "Solar" in an effort to show Mo and the rest of you guys who may be less versed with the things that can be done on this tune a few diffrerent approaches to jamming over it...




From there, you can see some of my other youtube videos, where I actually just demo a Madison amp for them... Not so educational, but some decent sounds (though it's super old... like 3 years ago...)


Also, you can go to my myspace page and click the vids link to get to a few full length lessons dealing with various topics.


IN ADDITION TO ALL OF THAT, I sort of want to get back into making video lessons, etc. so I wanted to let you guys know that if there is anything you ever wanted to know from a theoretical/technical/improvisational or other standpoint, you should post any question you may have here, and I will be happy to furnish a video response to try and explain it to the best of my abilities.



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Oh, dude.. you guys need to just relax... I mean, compliment away, but be realistic, brother.... I know you have seen better things in person, on video, etc.

I am not disillusioning myself into thinking that was like a "choice performance" of mine.. It's just to illustrate a point, I suppose....

Regardless of all that nonsense, though, if you want me to explain any particular approach to playing over changes, using strictly pentatonics, arpeggios, scales, chromatics, intervals, etc. I would be more than happy to oblige you....

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very good playing... but youre not holding the guitar the right way! :p

Anyways I wish I could play the changes more easily. I have a big problem changing the scale im using... for example from using a d dorian or arpeggio over a Dm7 chord, and transforming it smoothly to a G altered scale and then going back... Ive been working on it for monthes now. I need to "burn" the sound better into my head...

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very good playing... but youre not holding the guitar the right way!

Anyways I wish I could play the changes more easily. I have a big problem changing the scale im using... for example from using a d dorian or arpeggio over a Dm7 chord, and transforming it smoothly to a G altered scale and then going back... Ive been working on it for monthes now. I need to "burn" the sound better into my head...

Mr. Bates, there is an exercise I just wrote about in another post that is PERFECT for what you are looking to do....

Here is what you do...

Say it's a ii-V-I in C major you are working on, and you want to play D Dorian for the Dm7, G Altered for G7 and C Ionian for Cmaj7....

So first off, you write out the notes in each of the scales:

D Dorian (Also C Ionian): D,E,F,G,A,B,C... or from C: C,D,E,F,G,A,B
G Altered: G,Ab,Bb,Cb(B),Db, Eb, F

Now, here comes the trick... You play SIMPLE QUARTER NOTES, ASCENDING through all the chords.... So, say you start on the root of the Dm7 chord, you play 4 notes out of D Dorian... D,E,F,G... Now you are the downbeat of the G7alt. ut you continue to ascend to the NEXT AVAILABLE NOTE in G altered, which would be Ab. So you play Ab, Bb, Cb(B), Db. Then you do the same for Cmaj7: D, E, F, G. Dm7 again: A,B,C,D; G7alt: Eb,F,G,Ab; Cmaj7: A,B,C,D etc. etc. etc.

Ascend until you reach the end of the register of the guitar and then begin descending... THIS EXERCISE will get you familiar with how to resolve from pretty much ANY note to ANY OTHER NOTE in other keys without freaking out and jumping to the root of another chord... Know what I mean?? It will show you how to CONNECT ideas rather than get intimidated by the changes....

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Mr. Bates, there is an exercise I just wrote about in another post that is PERFECT for what you are looking to do....

Here is what you do...

Say it's a ii-V-I in C major you are working on, and you want to play D Dorian for the Dm7, G Altered for G7 and C Ionian for Cmaj7....

So first off, you write out the notes in each of the scales:

D Dorian (Also C Ionian): D,E,F,G,A,B,C... or from C: C,D,E,F,G,A,B

G Altered: G,Ab,Bb,Cb(B),Db, Eb, F

Now, here comes the trick... You play SIMPLE QUARTER NOTES, ASCENDING through all the chords.... So, say you start on the root of the Dm7 chord, you play 4 notes out of D Dorian... D,E,F,G... Now you are the downbeat of the G7alt. ut you continue to ascend to the NEXT AVAILABLE NOTE in G altered, which would be Ab. So you play Ab, Bb, Cb(B), Db. Then you do the same for Cmaj7: D, E, F, G. Dm7 again: A,B,C,D; G7alt: Eb,F,G,Ab; Cmaj7: A,B,C,D etc. etc. etc.

Ascend until you reach the end of the register of the guitar and then begin descending... THIS EXERCISE will get you familiar with how to resolve from pretty much ANY note to ANY OTHER NOTE in other keys without freaking out and jumping to the root of another chord... Know what I mean?? It will show you how to CONNECT ideas rather than get intimidated by the changes....



Ahhh the infamous "Never ending scale routine" that's a beaut!

Great call Danny

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