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What to do with Arppegios?

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Not every note in the major scale fits perfectly with every chord. That's why there's different chords within the scale and not just one big single chord. The reason why C#m7 works with Amaj7 is because C#m7 contains the 3rd, 5th, and 7th of Amaj7. If you picked a different chord from the same scale, it won't have as many of the primary notes of Amaj7 and won't fit as well. It's important to differentiate the different chords within the scale so what you play as a melody fits them the best. This is why I was stressing to just forget about substitutions for now, as
you need to really be solid on just playing the original chord first before thinking about anything fancier than that


I, like the OP, also struggle at times with the urge to get into stuff more advanced than where I'm at today. Sometimes, I just have to accept that some foundation needs to be laid down first. It's not a "step back" when I do this - it's making the foundation stronger before building some more on top. Otherwise, the whole thing collapses and I have to do even more remedial training before starting again.

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Thats what i am working on right now, its the arps, its really open up a new door for me in terms of soloing, i feel i can really improvise and make that solo make seance in respect to harmony behind it. I always was stuck in scale boxes but with arps i have found a way to get out.


Key thing to remember aprs are not just to play them 200bps, you can uee them as scales to make cool licks.

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