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Hello, i'm currently trying to learn guitar the best that i can, doing some covers and trying to get some feedback from my homeland, but around here there's not really attention to rock/metal/jazz/noise whatever music (portugal)


i just would like to read some opinions on these covers from musicians and some help to improve my playing and correct my playing posture, etc...


any comment will be appreciated.










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Dude, I think you are doing great. Sounds good! Your posture etc looks good. You picking hand looks a little stiff and slightly unorthodox but it CLEARLY works for you. So i would say keep doing what you are doing. Your vibrato seems a little weak... almost an afterthought. But that is nit picky stuff. Again, Keep going man. You sound great.

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Jeremy: my vibrato sucks clearly, i've always been kinda loose on it, uncontrolled. i'm trying to fix it by playing some rock solos... but i always seemed more intersted in playing fast than with soul, until not so long ago. also i do know about my right hand stiffness, i would love to know some tips on "losing the stress" on it...thanks for your reply.


tommy gun: thanks! yeah, oblivion is definitely a great song.

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Like I said Twisted I dont see it as a problem. Your picking itself is excellent. Many players have seemingly different ways of holding the pick. As long as it doesn't hinder there is NO issue. I only mentioned it because you specifically asked about posture etc.


Vibrato takes time and conscious effort. It is a great skill so i would move it up your priority list a little. Find a fast player with good vibrato and work on their stuff for a bit. From what i can see it is your primary missing component brother.

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thanks for your time, jeremy. as i said before, i will try to post regularly covers, this allows me to hear myself and try to improve on the issues one doesn't realize when playing...


sorry 'bout my rusty english, btw!

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Sounds good to me!..you already know about the vibrato..maybe have a listen to Yngwie Malmsteen or Marty Friedman..both very fast players with interesting and excellent vibrato technique.


Your picking is fine, and if that posture isn't causing you any pain, I wouldn't worry about it at all. :thu:

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In the "Head Smacking Realisations Thread", a couple of people noted how useful it is to practice rock music standing up, since this is how it is performed.


I thought your standing up playing of Gojira appeared to benefit from this, compared to the "stiff" presentation of Oblivion. But take note that I'm a total beginner compared to you, so this is just "what it looks like to me". The pros will know better...



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