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Neat shred idea by Vinnie Moore


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I'm sure Vinnie Moore didn't invent this idea but it's on his Speed video.


Vinnie Moore is a monster. The guy is awesome.


Here's the idea...


Using triplets and the major scale you first play a triplet 16ths pattern twice like a descending pattern on the high E string:




Then advance up the fretboard to 17-15-13-17-15-13 then up again to 18-17-15-18-17-15 and then 20-18-17-20-18-17. These patterns are from the F major scale.


If you are playing fast it sounds neat. If you can play as fast as Vinnie Moore it sounds better.


Many variations are possible such as ascending, descending, playing different strings, playing two strings, three strings, etc. If you play around with this a bit you can see tons of possibilities.


You really get the fretboard under your fingers doing this.

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Vinnie is DA MAN in my book ! :thu:


I have his first video on an old VHS tape.

I have been waiting and hoping for both of his instructional videos to be re-released on DVD, but AFAIK this has not happened yet.

Many of the old Hotlicks titles have been re-released on DVD, I really don't get why his videos have not :idk:

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Vinnie is DA MAN in my book !

I have his first video on an old VHS tape.

I have been waiting and hoping for both of his instructional videos to be re-released on DVD, but AFAIK this has not happened yet.

Many of the old Hotlicks titles have been re-released on DVD, I really don't get why his videos have not


Vinnie is fantastic. It's amazing how a person can develop so much skill period but some do.


I saw some recent videos on Youtube of him playing his Dean.


I suppose there is no money to be made selling instructional shredding videos anymore.

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Vinnie is fantastic. It's amazing how a person can develop so much skill period but some do.

I saw some recent videos on Youtube of him playing his Dean.

I suppose there is no money to be made selling instructional shredding videos anymore.


I just got both Emily Remler Hotlicks DVDs, those were re-issued on DVD, would jazz-instructional DVDs sell any better than shred instructional DVDs? :idk:

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That is dope!!! Yeah VM is hands down in my book one of THE most under-rated guitarists of all time, not just in the world of 80's shredders but in general...it's a shame, I really think he should be a household name like EVH, Clapton, Hendrix, Yngwie, and ESPECIALLY up there with Paul Gilbert, Marty Friedman, Jason Becker, and all the other great 80's shredders....one of my all time fav pieces of music, and prob my fav shred piece, it's just so beautiful...



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I always liked the tune Thunderball off the Out of Nowhere album.


But he has a lot of great ones.


And also his playing with UFO now is excellent.


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