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They overbooked the show, Unsane brought Made Out Of Babies, and Blackfire Revelation with them, and they were good. the local band Acid King has their record release party that night and I was worried that they'd over stay their welcome reguardless of their talent (or lack thereof). MOOB is a Female fronted Sludge/metal band & the chick singer alternated between a psychobaby girl voice(ala Jack Off Jill) & guteral screaming. They lacked the abundant urgency that Blackfire Revelation used to make up for being a two peice, they sounded like Muddy Waters during his mid 90's stint with Shellac.


The third band:mad: Was a local act, and while they were sludgy their wasn't much variation or urgancy in their music so after the first 20 minutes of their set I was waiting for them to do something different, after that I just got annoyed. The audience even gave them a few sympathy claps to hasten their departure, but they took that as a reason to play three or four more seven minute songs, that they'd already played.:mad:


So at 1am June 19th 2005, on my 26th birthday I witnessed a religous experience 13yrs in the making. As I was standing outside Chris Spencer walked by me smoking a cigarette, which was odd because I thought he was sXe. Anyways Unsane ain't nothin to {censored} with! All of them were pumped up and ready to put on a good show. They started out with some of their older material first, and gradually worked their way up to their new stuff which is actually really good in comparison to the lack luster occupational Hazard release.


I was like three feet away from Chris the whole time, blinding him with my flash, and screaming 'play exterminator X' in between songs (which they didn't :mad: ). At one point he gave a STFU look and I did. :(

An old hesher guy was standing next to me and he had the same fanboy {censored}eatin' grin on.


I couldn't hear very well after the show, but I'm back to normal now. Which is good because I've never had that much hearing damage before.


The show was over by 2am & if Acid King hadn't played an hour long set I'm sure Unsane would have played more.


After the show I walked from Mission & 21st to 11th street in 20 minutes, but I still didn't beat the street sweeper so my g-friend got a parking ticket.:(


We ended up driving to Tahoe that night as it was about 2:30am & I didn't want to call that late, but you are the f'ing man & next time I hit the bay area we'll definitly have to schedule some sort of e.harmony central mandate/flea market slutage.


-tom :cool:

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Originally posted by Fingermush

We ended up driving to Tahoe that night as it was about 2:30am & I didn't want to call that late, but you are the f'ing man & next time I hit the bay area we'll definitly have to schedule some sort of e.harmony central mandate/flea market slutage.



no worries, brah. my guest casa es su guest casa. and next time you're down, the studio will be fully up and running, so maybe we'll make some horrible, grating music together. :D

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Originally posted by themeanreds

ooooh. .. Unsane!

How is the new record?

Do I need to buy it immediately? I have been hankering for as much corrosive heavy rock as I can get my ears on.




I was suprised as to how good it is. I picked it up on sale during my Farming vaction form being an art-fag (I went on vaction from being a staving artist & I ended up working a wheat/oat harvest in central CA) immediatly afterwords I spent the proceeds on musical instruments, books and music).


If you've heard and liked the old Unsane releases (S/T,singles 89-92, Peel Sessions, Scattered Smothered And Covered) then you'll like. I personally didn't care for Total Destruction, Occupational Hazard or Amp/Rep Christmas. If you liked Cutthrouts 9 releases then yeah buy it now. It's just a great grating release. If you don't have the early stuff mentioned above search it out as it's really really good original stuff. I think the first few albums were recorded by Wharton Tiers, I know S/t was.


BTW I've been digging Pinback & ManMan's work. My guitarist's side project (Schizopolitans) actually opened for ManMan here in Reno, they were soooo good live. their drummer could do a one man show.

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Originally posted by delorean

no worries, brah. my guest casa es su guest casa. and next time you're down, the studio will be fully up and running, so maybe we'll make some horrible, grating music together.


Word all kinds of up! If we could get Colorsound in on it I'm sure we'd accidentally create a whole new genre of blistering stupidity.

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Originally posted by themeanreds

Made Out of Babies is a NY band, I think. I've heard some decent tunes from em'.

The name makes me giggle.




yeah it made me think, arn't we all, arn't we all. The guitarist was playing either a Jagmaster or a single humbucker Jazzmaster. I didn't get close enough to see for sure.

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Originally posted by themeanreds

Made Out of Babies is a NY band, I think. I've heard some decent tunes from em'.

The name makes me giggle.



Yup. The Sickies played a show with them at Southpaw back in the day. Nice folks, but I didn't dig their stuff at the time. Hopefully they've been practicing.

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