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Any OS X, Midi Timepiece users? Midi Clock issue

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I've gotten nowhere with this so far. I am sure, though, that it is not a midi loop issue. the issue occurs with only one device turned on, and with its output disconnected.


This did not happen initially with my mac setup (relatively new), mac quad, 10.4.5, and has reached the point where it is extremely disruptive to use external sequencer (spectralis and p3) slaved to midi clock.


Somehow I suspect that it's the midi timepiece, and will probably call their support at some point, but my previous experiences with motu support have been pretty bad.


What happens is that, even though the software will play at the correct tempo, the midi clock speeds up to about double the rate. With Cubase sX, it's really weird. It will work flawlessly for awhile, and then it will go in and out of this sped up mode. It seems to happen more often when the loop starts, but I can't say that this is the only time it happens. I tried various settings in Cubase relating to continue and start, but they just made the sync even more unreliable.


I don't seem to have the problem with Numerology.


the problem is especially severe with Bidule - it doesn't work correctly at all.


I'm not sure how to proceed, and why the situation would seem to be deteriorating. I did set the timepiece back to the defaults, but that didn't help at all.


I hate this kind of problem. It can take so many hours to finally hit on what exactly is causing it...but maybe someone here can speed up the process.

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in my experience, grabbing the latest drivers has almost always fixed MOTU hardware-related problems. assuming you've already done that {and that cubase's sync isn't _that_ bad, though i've heard horror stories}, is it possible that there's a conflict with settings in the device, as defined by clockworks?

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Originally posted by syncretism

in my experience, grabbing the latest drivers has almost always fixed MOTU hardware-related problems. assuming you've already done that {and that cubase's sync isn't _that_ bad, though i've heard horror stories}, is it possible that there's a conflict with settings in the device, as defined by clockworks?



yeah - latest drivers. The Cubase sync IS really bad, because ever couple of minutes it reverts to the sped up, frantic pace, and then goes back to normal.


I set clockworks to the default, but that didn't fix it. I suppose it's possible that there is something weird in there, but I didn't see it.


I realized this afternoon, thinking about it here at work, that the 2 hosts that are having problems both have an aggregate audio device, but Numerology is just using the Fireface by itself. I'm not sure how that would be related, but it is something simple to test.


I am thinking about trying out digital performer because I discovered that I was a registered owner of version 1.6 from years and years ago, and so it would be relatively cheap to upgrade it. Logic is out because of midi input routing inflexibility.

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