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i love the keeley fuzzhead


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I agree...I first played the keeley fuzz head at 30th St Guitars in NY and I ended up buying it right away...great combo of OD/dist/fuzz...very transparent...every note sings clear, including chords. A great pedal!

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It's awesome. I've used a Keeley Boss Blues Driver for about 3 years now and swore that I'd never take it off my board, but the Fuzz Head just may bump it. I love the aggresive overdrive tones and am considering using my current one for OD and getting a 'Hot' Fuzz Head for fuzz and lead enhancing tones.


Schweeeet pedal, to be sure.



"No! I said blow up the blue one!"

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Mine has got some problems; I've got to send it to robert to fix; I'm dyin' without it. As a lead pedal it's been my favorite of all the ones i've run across-it's seriously underrated as a "slam your amp and/or light od pedal for a lead" pedal. I generally have a menatone pedal of some some sort (I swap between a fish Factory, workingman blues, TBIAC) for lighter od stuff and the keeley works great with all of them. I have an older model with no tone trimmer inside. Does anyone know if he can mod it to have the tone trimmer? My only complaint is that it's on the bright side.....I generally keep the cap in that gives more bass response..

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glad to see some others like it too...


I love the bite it has, and the fact that it works well with chords, and its ability to got from a spankish OD sheen to an outright searing monster.


I run mine into a Tim (great EQ) then a sho sometimes. holly freeholly:eek:


I saw some while back goin for a hundred bucks on EBay..could not believe it. that's a steal.:)

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Originally posted by Ivor The Engine Driver

[waits for Teahead to come into this thread]


Damn, I laughed hard when I came across your reply! Am I really this predictable?


Anyway, as predicted, long time Fuzz Head user here. Like mrbluetone I've had three of 'em. I can only agree with what's been said already, it's a great pedal, articulate and defined at all settings and capable of serious volume output...


This thread needs pics!



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love my fuzzhead, works so well with guitars volume, with other fuzzs I never liked the the cleaner sounds when you roll down the volume but the fuzz head does it very well, I ususally play with my guitars volume down a little and then turn it up for solos.


Has anyone had any experience with the "hot" fuzz head.


Mrbluetone, Teahead, how well do they interact together, do you run them both on germ or Si. I find it works well with BD2, not so well with my DS1 and tube screamers. I love running my Java (full boost) into fuzz head, beautiful tone and the stomp on Keely comp for sustain for days.

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I still need a proper fuzz

tried the MJM London Fuzz, but had to return it cuz I wuz broke



when I get around to grabbin a fuzz, should I be thinking of this one?


I feel fairly lost when it comes to fuzz

they seem to all be different

and everyone seems to have a particular fuzz sound in mind

hell I don't even know what fuzz tone I want

I know it when I hears it

but then again, I suppose I've heard many a different fuzz tone and thought "that's the one"

is there a fuzz that a panacea for all my fuzz needs?

is this the one?

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Originally posted by EL KABONG

mines just has the distortion trimmer is the one with the tone trimmer the one to have?



The tone trimmer is worth having, but only if you would like to tweak the treble response of your fuzz head to work better with your amp EL K?


It basically adjusts only the treble content, as far as I can tell. Very worthwhile if you swap bass response caps about, it can allow you to tune the fuzz head in with the different sounds the spare caps provide.


gr8fuldodd, I don't think the fuzz head could satisfy all your fuzz needs, but of course that's entirely dependent on what exactly your needs are? For instance, it won't do glitchy, gated, rasping fuzz tones or anything super-saturated...


but it is a nice first time fuzz, because it's so well behaved and consistent, gets along great with other pedals and doesn't require you to play to it's strengths, since it covers chords and leads equally well. You could do much worse.


herbs, running two fuzz heads together isn't unlike running a full boost java into a fuzz head. Two fuzz heads sound a little warmer and maybe even a touch fatter, but the gain structure and satutration is about the same.


Here's an interview with rk where he discusses the fuzz head at great lengths.

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keeley and others may well disagree, but I dont really think of the fuzzhead as a 'traditional' fuzz pedal at all, certainly not like a fuzzface, or even a big muff (some think of it as a distorion pedal, but the BM is a fuzz pedal to my thinking)


it is more like a synthesis between an OD and distortion with aspects approaching fuzz. imo.:cool:


so comparing it to the zvex or london is somewhat...misplaced.:)

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Originally posted by Matt_plan-R

Fuzz Head vs. Fuzz Factory?

okay, go....



In a race?


Probably a tie...


In terms of peformance, it really depends what you want from the pedal. I have both so I'll try and advise based on how I use them.


If you need an extra gain stage, to add to a clean amp, or an amp breaking up, or onto your existing overdrive pedal... with plenty of output to work the tubes and enough tonal options to tailor it to your very distinct and personal idea of how it should sound... I'd say go for the fuzz head. It'll fit in almost anywhere and get along with just about anything. It's anything from a raunchy overdrive to a raw, yet focused fuzz, but it's never crazy.


If you're looking for crazy, gated, compressed and raspy fuzz tones with the option of self oscillation for whacky stuff, or the ability to dial in approximations of umpteen different kinds of fuzz, like upper octave, muffish and synth etc. I'd say go for the fuzz factory. It'll be more choosy about what pedals and amp set ups it likes, but there's little else out there that caters for as many whacky fuzz tones as the fuzz factory for the same price.


edit... Actually, when the fuzz factory is set for a Fuzz Face sound, 9-7-7-2-5 and set alongside a fuzz head, they have a similar overall sound. Except the fuzz head is warmer & thicker in the low end and generally fatter sounding all over the neck, without being muddy, which is one of it's strong points. Where the zvex sounds thinner and a touch more fizzy, without being shrill. It get's nasty whilst still cutting through, which is one of it's strong points.


Both excellent, but totally different pedals.


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Originally posted by Matt_plan-R

I have a Fuzz Factory...

And I can't seem to find a use for it... it is very difficult to get a hold of.

I would love a saturated fuzz that I can use with my strat - but the factory is too wacky and very trebily to me...


If you want fatter, the fuzz head can do that. But a regular one won't get you anymore gain than the fuzz factory gets about 2'o'clock on the dial.


You'll need the hot version to go beyond that and even then, never having owned one, I couldn't be sure it sould get you there. As much as I love the fuzz head, I don't really think it's what you're after.


Maybe a nice muff clone?:cool:

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Originally posted by boy#152

keeley and others may well disagree, but I dont really think of the fuzzhead as a 'traditional' fuzz pedal at all, certainly not like a fuzzface, or even a big muff (some think of it as a distorion pedal, but the BM is a fuzz pedal to my thinking)

it is more like a synthesis between an OD and distortion with aspects approaching fuzz. imo.

so comparing it to the zvex or london is somewhat...misplaced.



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I don't really know what to say about the whole "is the fuzz head really a fuzz" thing. Are there many overdrives that get their gain from a germanium transistor? I genuinely know nothing about what goes into an overdrive and my fuzz knowledge stops at germanium & silicon.


I will say that the Fuzz Head can clearly be marked out as a relative of the fuzz face to me. I tried the Sun Face nkt275 beside my fuzz head for a where and while the Analogman pedal was warmer and generally more "lo-fi" the Keeley had a little more gain and clarity.


I think it's the clarity of the Fuzz Head that gets it the overdrive tag, but the serated edge it gives to lead lines & chords is unmistakably fuzzy in character and the main thing that sets it apart from any overdrives I've heard. It's the closest I've come to the sound of my amp cranked and for that i really don't care if it's fuzz or overdrive!

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