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How did you all get so close?

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Yeah its funny to look back a year or two when I first discovered Harmony Central. Went to all of the forums, but found myself always coming back to the effects forum. I guess I liked the cast of characters. Lurked for quite a while before my first post (still don't post that often), but try to contribute when I can. Do you guys remember a member about a year ago when someone would post about someone screwing them over and in about 3 minutes he would post the guys name, address, and all sorts of personal info. People would reply, "Don't F with whateverhisnamewas" I still think this is the best forum around even after all the BS that's been going on lately. Hey JCN, hope you'll stay around here for a while.

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It's a bit strange to see my name being spoken of in a past-tense sorta way. I recently came back on to see what's going on. I too feel like I'm an outsider, but then again, I left for several years. I'm totally out of the loop as far as effects pedals go. The only pedal I'm using right now is a Fuzz Factory.

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There are actually still quite a few posters left from 2002 or before. :wave: I'm surprised at how many there are (mainly cause you quickly learn most of the stuff you will get from this forum and then the rest is mostly time wasting).

As for becoming close, I think it's through VERY similar interests or pedals (think jasonfuzz/pavement/bigcheese references in this thread). You're also more likely to PM someone from your area or state I'd say. PMs is the way to make friends. Trades can also be the way to kick off another level of communication.

But on the whole, I understand where you're coming from. 5 years here and I don't feel inner circle particualrly, even though there are several guys I'll PM and my regular on-topic posting.

ahhhh, there's the hint. If you want to get attention, be part of the crowd, be remembered....post off-topic bollocks. If you just answer straight, you'll be wallpaper.

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i remember some argument a few years ago, i was busy flaming like a fist full of timmy and ahole lotta dudes said
"thats it, we're off to monster rack"

it was then i realised the fx forum is full of sweet hearts like me.
i'm a sweet heart BTW

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I never ended up meeting anyone in real life (I left right before there was supposed to be a Toronto meet) but I just got to know people through lots of OT posts (and I did spend a lot of time posting, but so did peterregal, AVST and a host of others. It was quite fun)

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There used to be a lot of small little threads a few posts long of just short updates on people's lives for no particular reason (whether the thread started off like that was a coinflip), but often it would just be "oh i'm doing this, i'm seeing her, my family is that". I liked that a lot.

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Originally posted by jasonfuzz

There used to be a lot of small little threads a few posts long of just short updates on people's lives for no particular reason (whether the thread started off like that was a coinflip), but often it would just be "oh i'm doing this, i'm seeing her, my family is that". I liked that a lot.



I know what you mean. There were definately some guys on here that let it all hang out. I still see people come on here asking for advice or support with real life though. I think this place is still a good place for help if you need it. Oddly enough.

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I hear you bro. I've been here since 2001 and had close to 2000 posts before they whacked everybody's counts. I've connected with maybe 3 people in total, despite the fact that I posted regularly for a good while. Whoever said post a mess of OT* crap will get you remembered is probably right. Unless you're andreas/, in which case you mysteriously show up in every thread mentioning current draw and never post OT, yet are very much remembered.

* does anybody think it's funny that OT = bad, yet On Topic would also be abbreviated OT?

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Originally posted by hbar

I hear you bro. I've been here since 2001 and had close to 2000 posts before they whacked everybody's counts. I've connected with maybe 3 people in total, despite the fact that I posted regularly for a good while. Whoever said post a mess of OT* crap will get you remembered is probably right. Unless you're andreas/, in which case you mysteriously show up in every thread mentioning current draw and never post OT, yet are very much remembered.

* does anybody think it's funny that OT = bad, yet On Topic would also be abbreviated OT?



There's a thread in one of the other forums, maybe Open Jam, and if you just post in there close to what your old post count was they'll restore it for you. If it even matters.


The OT stigma is indeed curious. They're always going to be around though and nobody can stop 'em so I'm happy.

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This place was a lot better and tighter knit a year or two ago. I miss the Silly O'Clock crew and nonstop trades... It's a lot slower here, but I still keep in touch with a bunch of forumites who are on other forums or who just don't hang out here anymore.

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Originally posted by hbar

* does anybody think it's funny that OT = bad, yet On Topic would also be abbreviated OT?



or at least ironic.


as far as the clique-y-ness goes, the forum is more inclusive now than it was last year, it seems. however, there are quite a few people (like most of the UK crowd) who have met in the real world and a few long termers who have regular email contact outside the forum traffic.

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Originally posted by Leftside

This place was a lot better and tighter knit a year or two ago. I miss the Silly O'Clock crew and nonstop trades... It's a lot slower here, but I still keep in touch with a bunch of forumites who are on other forums or who just don't hang out here anymore.



Its definately slower. Not having somebody like JCN around all the time really makes a difference I've noticed. A lot of people didn't like him apparently, but he certainly kept the place hopping at all times.

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