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wah pots

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i need to replace the pot in a jen crybaby i recently got, and was pointed in the direction of the pot here http://www.arielfx.com/see_product.asp?idd=41 but that pot is a 200kohm pot, and the one in my wah (and a new crybaby i have too) is a 100kohm one


so what pot should i get for it? and where can i get it? I am in the uk if that makes a difference...



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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the pot affects the sound much at all...

I mean, if you get a crappy pot, you'll have problems, but I think any decent pot will sound the same.

The main difference (as I understand) is the taper of the individual pot.

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Originally posted by MrSage

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the pot affects the sound much at all...

I mean, if you get a crappy pot, you'll have problems, but I think any decent pot will sound the same.

The main difference (as I understand) is the taper of the individual pot.


Books have been written on such things:D Jens have such a short throw anyway.I would guess in that case the gear ratio would be the most important..

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