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My dog just got stung on the dick by a bee


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He didn't even yelp, he just started walking funny. We rolled him over and there was a honey bee stuck to the side of his wang.


Ever tried to pull a bee stinger out of a dogs penis? Its not easy.


My previous dog got stung by a bee once on the lip and his head swelled up like a football, it was terrible.


We just gave him half a Benadryl in case there's an allergy, which there doesn't appear to be. It was close to 30 minutes ago, and no swelling at all.

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Originally posted by omni

I bet you sucked the poison out for him.


Thats what he kept saying, until the Benadryl kicked in.


He's fine. I think he's disapointed, he seemed to be looking forward to it swelling up.

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