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Forum useless w/o search function!


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What is up with this? Unless you spend hours on end here watching your posts for follow up answers for questions you have you might as well not post. What is the issue and when is it being fixed:confused: Anyone have any info?

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I agree. A forum such as this is useless without a search function.

These forums have gone downhill since MF took over. First, we have the longest shutdown this place has seen in over a year. Then, you can't hotlink directly to ebay. Now we can't search the damn threads.

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Originally posted by ColorsoundKid

I agree. A forum such as this is useless without a search function.

These forums have gone downhill since MF took over. First, we have the longest shutdown this place has seen in over a year. Then, you can't hotlink directly to ebay. Now we can't search the damn threads.

really!ebay link prohibited?

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Perhaps there should be a thread where everyone posts what they would've searched for, had search been available. It would show how much people use the search.

I'll go first:

I'd search for "parody thread" As I'm sure someone in every parody thread mentions that its a parody thread, plus I'd get the threads where someone says, "What's with all the parody threads lately." We get one of those daily I'm sure.

I can't wait for the next "where's the search" parody thread.

I wish I was drunnk too. I only had one beer in the fridge left.

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Originally posted by Rid

Well it is close to useless without it...

Wonder how many will wander off then??

Perhaps not many or will they?

It is afterall
database for most stuff.


exept the "database" is sort of gone since it's only real time info at this point!

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maybe that's why nobody took me up on my offer. oh well.

Youdon't realize how much you use the search until its disabled. Like I wanted to see what this one guy had posted, so I hit the search button, and it didn't work. {censored}ing forgot no searchie. And a couple o fminutes ago, I just realized ginboonmiller never answered my stupid ass question I asked him last night. I was going to do a search for it, but no point to it really. That {censored}ing ebay {censored} sucks, too. I don't like to be violenty uprooted, but I might just have to takemy abscence if {censored} doesn't start to improve around here. Yeah, I know I'll be missed.

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you guys are talkin about a mutiny

that's grounds for hangin

how about a nonviolent protest
a sit in?
a love in?
how about we sit, then love, then stand up for our rights, followed by a chant, then another good sit, some more lovin, then a rousing march
after that gets tiring, more sitting

at least a freak out

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