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Shin-ei Phase Tone PT-18?


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If the RT-18 is the one that looks like the Maestro unit, I would guess they decided to change the name to phase tone as that became a known phrase whereas resly would have no meaning to those buying pedals. Remember, rumor is that resly is just a Japanese mispronunciation of Leslie.


There really is little difference between the phasers and the univibes in terms of what they do, just how they do it.

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Congrats, that is the Univibe version. Pretty much it is a univibe, should sound killer. The only difference is that you have the discrete repeat rates and no need for an expression pedal. I would have to assume that it is one of the later ones because the name change to phase tone from resly tone. I have seen some of the Maestro shaped, http://www.axeandyoushallreceive.com/images/shenresa.jpg , and it was called the Resly Machine.

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Originally posted by kalmanjordan

thanks for your help, it does sound good! Use to use it gigging but haven't used it for a few years. Was thinking of selling it, any idea what sort of price these fetch? thanks again.



These are quite rare. Analogman might say more, he had this in his "Hens teeth" section of his book on pedals. From there anywhere from $500 to over $1000 would not be shocking.

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All of a sudden another one comes to surface. Great find! Great Price, congrats!! The thing is indeed a RT18 in disguise and does sound killer.


Analog man makes a reference in his hens teeth section to the "Phaser Tone RT-18". I guess this is one of the many little errors in his overall more than recommended book

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