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has this forum hit a new low today?


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Nope. Regardless of whether you are a bomb throwing commie are a heartless neo con, everyone in here, cares about his fellow man, and is torn up over what is going on in NOLA. Regardless of the horror, there is some comfort we can take in that commonality.

Feel better now?

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Originally posted by us2bslim

Nope. Regardless of whether you are a bomb throwing commie are a heartless neo con, everyone in here, cares about his fellow man, and is torn up over what is going on in NOLA. Regardless of the horror, there is some comfort we can take in that commonality.

Feel better now?



not really, no.


i can't help but think that we, all of us, could express our anxiety better than we are.


maybe we all need a life-coaching session with Phil Towle.

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Originally posted by delorean

not really, no.

i can't help but think that we, all of us, could express our anxiety better than we are.

maybe we all need a life-coaching session with Phil Towle.



que es "Phil Towle?"


I'll be your life coach and you can pay me in exquisite hand painted full body henna tattoos.



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Originally posted by hookstrapped

OK. Now I'll vote Yes.


















Vin Diesel once counted the number of people Arnold Schwarzenneger killed in the movie "Commando". Upon reaching 94 casualties, Vinny threw his bowl of Count Chocula angrily at his flatscreen television.

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Its certainly a shame in some ways. Its almost obligatory for some forumites to criticise or defend their governments irregardless. I'll praise someone if they do good work, like when Bush was in the UK at the time of the london bombings. I thought he held himself with great dignity and poise.

Anyway, its just sad that any kind of constructive debate gets dragged down to whiney liberal and neo-con bastard lowest denominator {censored}. Those kind of terms are the sign of either an inability to debate or watching too much crossfire.

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