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So my wife is starting the path to go to medical school


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...which is exciting as well as concerning for both of us...


I think she is going to be taking the MCAT again [she took it before graduating college, but at the time, was not interedted in medical and went to research] in the next year... looking at a general internist with an empahsis in women's health/nutrition.


...so that means that we will be looking into moving into a smaller place [we are in a 2 bedroom townhouse that is very very cheap, but I know there are 1 bedrooms with den type places for even less that is just about as much space as we USE now] in the closer range [early/mid 2006] ... and if she is excepted to a school outside of Milwaukee area, like Wash U, Tulane, some "e" place near Altlanta... then we are pulling up and moving...


That concerns me because I have moved a lot and I really like Milwaukee... but also that I need to finish jumping through red-tape hoops and get my licence as soon as possible, if not sooner so that I don't have prerequisits without credentials to show for it!


...but there are 3 places around here that she is considering [Medical College of WI where she works now and does research, UW Medical school in Madison -bleah...madison- , & Finch(/called something else now, name of the woman who discovered DNA structure, something Rosenburg maybe?) which is on North Chicago... so no sense in fretting about that now as it is such a variable senario...but still something that could happen...


...all in all, it will be a positive... and my wife agreed that she would not consider any Florida medical schools so we won't have to move there... so I wouldn't live anywhere that I already didn't like...


...so all in all, just a typed senario of what I was just thinking about... and maybe a pre-emptive "howdie future neighbor!" to some forum members in 2006,7-ish

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