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Boss NS-2 questions

Duke of Metal

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hey guys,

I got my hands on a Boss NS-2 and tried it out today.


For some reason, it doesnt seem to "work" like a Noise Gate/Hush where when your not playing, it basicly stops your signal and there will be no noise. When I set it to reducation mode, it filtered some noise out but I can still hear some noise in there, even when i am not playing and have my guitar volume to 0. I can see the reduction LED goes on but doesnt seem to do much really. The 2 other knobs (Thresh and Decay) dont seem to do much of a noticable difference between all the way down to cranked.


Under the "MUTE" mode, I can still hear my signal going through but it sounds very very weak and more like a buzz.


are these things normal for this pedal?


Any info & suggestions would help.


oh.. I have it setup after the guitar with a booster pedal in its loop.




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Thanks guy! I do have it running 1st in the chain before the amp's input... and I do have my booster pedal in its Loop.

Nothing before and nothing after it. I'll try that again today and maybe try some different cables.

Also, when used in MUTE mode, does it make the sound I described above? or it should be totally muted with no sound of anytype going through?


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